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Did you hear about WordPress 4.3 “Billie” ?

WordPress “Billie” Is Here.

What Is New in WordPress 4.3 ?

In “Billie” you have the opportunity to create or edit your menus directly from the Customizer.

“Billie” offers you the amazing feature to edit your menus, not only on your Desktop device, but also on your Notebook, tablet and even on your phone.
In “Billie” you can edit your posts and pages without using any other method than your keyboard.

In WordPress 4.3 there are inline, live converting text patterns that enable partial markdown support. Thus allowing you to add Headers, Lists and Quotes with simple text combinations into your Visual editor.

One amazing addon provided by “Billie” is that it allows you to set your custom Website icon, which can then be used as a shortcut on your mobile or tablet device.


WordPress 4.3 also provides better passwords generation and encryption in order to solve problems with security practices dependent on user’s workflow and behaviors.

Now WordPress will give you a reset link instead of sending you a message with your password, and when you add new users to your site or edit a user profile, WordPress will automatically generate a secure password.

The Team Who Brought “Billie” to Life ?

The team who created WordPress 4.3 “Billie” consists of 246 contributors, and DevriX is proud to announce that two of our team members have patches added as well:

@MarioPeshev – Founder and WordPress Architect at DevriX

@StankoMetodiev – WordPress developer and Project manager at DevriX


Are There Any Problems with the Update ?

We’ve found a problem with the Genesis update which was released a week before the WordPress update.

Along with the announcement of Genesis 2.1.3 comes a warning from StudioPress :

You have to update your website before updating your WordPress installation otherwise you may loose some taxonomy term data, like certain SEO data or settings..

It’s easy to miss this very important message, but if you’ve updated your WordPress before your Genesis website, and something has crashed don’t worry. We can help you with any problems that have occurred.

Just contact us from here.


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