DevriX Team is entirely Open Source oriented and we do believe in commitment and community collaboration efforts. For us developing software has to be transparent to the client and future improvements need to be applied easily with external consultants and developers as well. That’s why we prefer open source as a software ideology that provides white box visibility to the code delivery, easy to maintain, large communities and contribution of third-party plugins, modules and extensions.
Our Web projects are based on WordPress, but we have experience with popular PHP OS frameworks such as CakePHP or CodeIgniter, as well as the Drupal CMS platform. More enterprise custom based solutions fall in the Java EE patterns and use Google Web Toolkit (GWT), JavaServer Faces (JSF) with other open layers inside. For mobile development we foresee the Android platform presented by Google for mature Java-in-Linux based mobile applications.
Our top 6 open source products (languages, platforms, systems):
- WordPress
- Java
- Drupal
- Linux
- CakePHP
- jQuery