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The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing

Are you ready to jump into the production of content? All most all the content marketers know the value of the investment to create original and awesome contents.

Content marketing is not only creating, distributing as well as sharing contents, it is all about engaging your audiences, generating leads, improving your branding and also fulfilling your marketing goals that you can easily serve with modern content marketing.

Related post: 3 Ways to Actually Profit from Content Marketing


Build the Foundation of Content Marketing

Content Marketing needs an effective strategic approach. It requires its own strategy that can fit in the broader integrated modern marketing strategy. If you are a content marketer, you have to generate an unending stream of unique, interesting and valuable content ideas. This is not a big deal. You just have to follow some steps to make it effective. Let’s face it!

Strategy: Strategy is the main key to success. You have to make a plan and you have to focus on your goal. All you need is just a crystal clear strategy that can fulfill your long-term goals. If you do not know how to make strategy, then you have to take some outside guidance. But, first of all, you have to start planning.

Format: Different kinds of contents are available. You will also get contents in different sizes and shapes. You are free to use multiple formats and styles for a single content. What you have to do is to choose the format that goes with your business. For example, if you are planning to open an e-commerce site, then you should apply formats that are suitable for review based articles.


Content Type: You have to choose the best content type that is suitable for your business. The content type can vary according to your needs like you have to choose one type of content for Newsletter, another type of content social media sites and some other types of contents for your brand.

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Other Checklist:

Platform: There are so many platforms for content distribution like websites, social sites, and others. All of these platforms help to spread the words of your contents.

Goals: Set your primary goal and create contents that can support your business goal. The type of your content will depend on your goal. Do you want to generate more traffic, or do you want to sell more, or even want to increase the brand awareness, first of all, you have to set your goal?

Sharing Triggers: Create contents that make your readers feel something. You have to think about the emotional drivers of sharing contents. Sharing is also a great way to promote your contents.

Checklist: Be diligent! Make a plan to optimize your contents properly. You have to fix the errors of your content. You have to make your contents up to date.

Super Tricks to Make Your Content Long Lasting

It is really difficult to produce enough contents for your business and also simultaneously keeping the best quality. Every content needs to be original. It takes time, blood and energy just to create a single piece of excellent content! After creating a content, you won’t let it down. You will want to make the best use of your content. It is always important to make your content long lasting. That is why you have to create

  • Exceptionally Executed Contents
  • Valuable Contents and
  • Sharable Contents

There are 3 strategies that can help you to create such type of contents.

Smart Insights:

You have to recognize the topic on what you are trying to write. You have to create original content using your researched keywords. It is important to follow SEO best practices. If you have clear knowledge on the topic, you will be able to write pure information. You will be able to collect information from videos, slide shows or even from infographics. Smart Insights of content marketing do not only mean that you have to write content all time. It means that you have to present content in front of your viewers in a smart way. It should not be harder, it should be smarter. You can prepare videos, images or even infographics for your customers.



Thousands of information and contents are available on the web. The smart way is to rewrite them in your own words. But the problem is that many writers follow a wrong way to rewrite contents. They just use a synonym, the antonym of the words to write the contents. The purpose of rewriting is not just changing the words or sentences. The purpose of rewriting is to collect information, rewrite it in your own words and most importantly add your own fresh ideas to make a content unique!


Repurpose Content:

Yes! Definitely, it is one of the best ways to make your contents long lasting. You cannot use the same content again and again as Google will mark it as a copy content. The smart way is to re-purpose your contents. You can create videos with your contents or even slide shows or even you can create an eBook to renew your contents. It is the smartest way to repurpose your existing contents. Do not forget to add the latest information. Renew your contents. You also have to delete the ideas that are backdated!


Overcome the Roadblocks of Content Marketing

Content marketing is not just publishing few blog posts, it is more than that. Content marketing demands a huge commitment of your time and resources. There are thousands of roadblocks that can make your progress slow. Some of the blocks are obvious like researching wrong ideas, dealing with poor writers and more.


You always have to breed new ideas to overcome the roadblocks! If you are facing roadblocks of content marketing, then it is sure that you are not following step by step rules. If you follow a step by step process, you will be able to overcome all the roadblocks of Content Marketing. For example, if you want to overcome writer’s block, you can follow the following steps

  • Research the topics of your contents
  • Take the interviews of the writers and give them homework
  • Balance the quality as well as quantity

Bottom Line: Content Marketing is the best way to boost your business. You just have to make the best use of it. You have to follow marketing strategy, you have to manage quality and you have to promote your contents to grab the attention of your customers. However, once visitors are on your site, you just have to convert the traffic into sales!