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How to Optimize Your Mobile Strategy: 9 Tips

How to Optimize Your Mobile Strategy_ 9 Tips

Mobile usage has now surpassed desktop usage, and while businesses have realized the importance of going mobile for marketing, small and medium-sized businesses seem to be lagging behind.

They have yet to wrap their heads around the idea of having a mobile app for their business. These businesses consider them costly and difficult to maintain for the size of their organizations. Most of them realize the importance but do not know an effective, efficient and cost friendly way to go about it.

Having a sound strategy for mobile is not all that difficult, especially if you know what you want to achieve. There are several things you can do to make your mobile strategy effective in no time:

How to Optimize Your Mobile Strategy: 9 Tips

How to Optimize Your Mobile Strategy 9 Tips

  1. Utilize social media.
  2. Monitor social media.
  3. Have a mobile site.
  4. Analyze user behavior.
  5. Determine usage with location and time.
  6. Form a special team for mobile.
  7. Use other channels to divert the audience towards mobile.
  8. Be consistent with your mobile strategy.
  9. Work on your app’s ratings.

1. Utilize Social Media

People are spending a tremendous amount of time on social media. One may think a business’ own presence on social media with a page or account is enough, however, this strategy is not going to last very long.

Facebook now promotes pages with engaging content, and therefore the “likes” keep coming from paid sponsorship.

Social media can also help you promote your own mobile app and get users to install it.

2. Monitor Social Media

In addition to ensuring a strong presence on social media, it is important to build up insights and measure performance through these channels. Social media serves as a primary link with the mobile population, and each day billions of tweets are generated and millions of posts are shared.

It can help you understand how well you are performing with your audience and how your competition is doing. With these insights, you can modify your marketing strategy on the fly and do real-time marketing, so to speak.

3. Have a Mobile Site

This should be your first step in getting your business mobile ready. While having an app for mobiles is a great step, a mobile site is absolutely necessary. Your website serves different purposes than your app.

The latter is for frequent visitors who want quick access, while the former is for everyone. With a responsive website, your ranking will improve, and eventually you will make conversions.

If you have a knack for creating your own app, you can learn how to design it better with the help of InVision Studio Online Course. Otherwise, you can use a tool like Jotform Apps or just outsource it to a professional app developer.

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4. Analyze User Behavior

When you invest in your App, you would naturally want to know how it is doing with the users. You can use in-app tools or services to monitor user behavior and find out the weak points in your app.

You can use services like Localytics that can help you retain users and analyze huge amounts of data. This is important as you want to take the most customer-centric route with your app.

5. Determine Usage with Location and Time

There are multitudes of devices now, and an all-rounder marketing strategy would take this fact into account. Also, the usage varies by location, time, and even the user itself. For example, people use tablets more often on weekends, holidays, and evenings.

Smartphone usage peaks during rush hours and breaks, while desktop usage peaks during working hours. If the target audience includes working adults, then the prime time to post or send something would be weekends.

6. Form a Special Team for Mobile

Mobile’s outreach is undeniably strong and massive, and such a field requires a skilled and experienced person to manage every part of the mobile marketing strategy. It may look like a big investment, but by having a mobile dedicated team, you ensure that your mobile strategy is on point.

Your team will be conducting surveys, collecting statistics, developing ideas, and monitoring budgets, basically everything mobile related will be their responsibility.

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7. Use Other Channels to Divert Audience Towards Mobile

Besides social media, there are many outlets you can utilize to divert traffic to your mobile app or site. Many people watch television and use smartphones simultaneously. If they see something on TV, they will instantly search for it on their phone.

Therefore, your mobile strategy has to take multiple screens into account and use it to connect one with the other. This way you get maximized ROI and your mobile presence grows stronger.

8. Be Consistent with Your Mobile Strategy

With so much going on in the mobile world, it is easy to lose focus on your identity and goals. Whatever you are doing, and whatever devices or audiences you are targeting; always remember to align your strategy with your own brand.

You need consistency to earn your name and establish yourself on multiple platforms. From your fonts to pictures, and from your website to your Facebook page, everything needs to have a common identity.

9. Work on Your App’s Ratings

Ratings can make or break your App, and you need to ensure that you have good ratings and reviews. If ratings are low and reviews are negative, find out what is causing this scenario and work on solving it.

In fact, this approach will earn you very loyal customers alongside positive feedback about the app and a chance to improve it.


Mobile sales have skyrocketed over the years and aren’t showing any signs of declining. What does that mean? If you are not going mobile, you are not on the right track.

Having a good mobile strategy does not require a lot of investment or resources. You can start small and build up your mobile presence one step at a time. If you create a team dedicated to mobile related marketing, you will see faster growth and optimal results.

The more effort you put into your mobile strategy, the more fruits it will bear.