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[Infographic] Determining the Right Influencer Type for Your Campaign

Influencer campaign

Promoting a brand used to involve paying a celebrity to endorse it. While this is still true to a degree, audiences are more interested in seeing their favorite social media superstar become a brand ambassador. No longer does a supermodel or celebrity hold people’s interest like they once used to. You need the right influencer for your campaign.

Now, marketing strategies are more likely to use a social media star as the latest face of a brand or a cause. The reasoning behind this shift is fairly straightforward: Social media personalities have thousands and sometimes millions of people following them. Those social media personalities are known as influencers; and marketing efforts seek to harness their promotional power.

That’s not to say that advertisers have to find the most popular social media celebrities. Many influencers have smaller audiences, but what they lack in quantity they make up for in quality. Someone who has a few thousand followers can be worth investing in as their audience consists of a targeted demographic more likely to buy a product or embrace a cause or service.

An influencer can show their audience how something works, for example, or why people should use a service or advocate for a cause. When influencers promote brands, products, services, or causes; they do it in ways that look and feel natural. Therefore audiences won’t feel as though they are the targets of marketing campaigns.

If you want to learn more about the roles of influencers, explore the infographic below to learn more about how they can become an important part of your marketing strategy.

*This guest post was written by CopyPress.