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What Is Hyper Personalization? How to Use It for More Sales?

What Is Hyper Personalization_ How to Use It for More Sales_

Have you ever heard of hyper-personalization? This concept is becoming increasingly common in many business fields and offers unique opportunities to digital marketers. To this end, it’s worth considering how it works and how you might be able to utilize it for promoting your business’s marketing successes and profitability!

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at what hyper-personalization is and how you can implement it to boost your own marketing efforts!

What Is Hyper-Personalization?

What Is Hyper-Personalization_

Well, at its simplest, hyper-personalization is a form of digital marketing that works to promote the personalization of marketing efforts. Indeed, it is well known that personalized marketing methods tend to be the ones with the greatest success rates, and thus such strategies can be highly effective for improving your own digital marketing efforts.

With this, marketers work to create a personalized experience that provides marketing services that are more appropriate to the individual customer. In turn, by personalizing marketing efforts and the like, digital marketers are able to offer a superior service that is better suited to engaging with customers and ensuring a superior customer experience overall.

Indeed, this serves to ensure superior brand loyalty from new customers, while also promoting spending from customers and the marketing effectiveness as a whole. Most commonly, as part of this, businesses will also integrate email signature marketing to further push sales, which is a form of a call to action.

However, you need to also consider how to implement hyper-personalization into your strategy – and to this end, our team is on hand to help!

In this article, we will cover strategies for hyper-personalization efforts to ensure you get the best results from your marketing campaigns.

Goals Of Hyper-Personalization

There are numerous goals associated with hyper-personalization, and these include the following:

  • Superior profits from marketing efforts with higher returns on investment for the marketer.
  • Providing innovative marketing solutions is essential as a component of hyper-personalization, leading to reduced costs per conversion.
  • Providing a superior experience for the customer, ensuring that a memorable experience is had across all customers, thereby providing a better experience.
  • Data-driven decisions that are concrete and reliable for marketing metrics and superior choices based on the most proven suitable marketing strategies.

How Brands Are Using Hyper-Personalization?

Hyper-personalization has become undeniably massive in a very short span. According to a study by Accenture, around 91% of the customers prefer buying from brands that provide personalized recommendations and experiences.

Brands like Amazon and Starbucks have taken hyper-personalization to a whole other level. They have moved it to a stage where their AI and ML systems analyse a vast set of factors to power the recommendation engine.

Let’s take a look at how these two brands have improved their growth trajectory and got incredible success with hyper-personalization.

Email Personalization Campaign By Amazon

As far as ‘Me-Commerce’ is concerned, Amazon is the undisputed king. The recommendation engine of Amazon is responsible for around 35% of their conversions. But how does this company create such a unique hyper-personalized experience for its customers?

Imagine you were scouring Amazon for headphones, and have purchased AKG headphones in the past. But for some reason, you decided to leave the search mid-way. What will happen is, you’ll receive an email that will have a list of suggestions where most of the earphones will be from this brand.

This email is not some regular personalization tactic that’ll only have your name. It is much more than that. Let’s see how:

If you use Amazon frequently and use it consistently to make purchases, then they’ll have access to some of the very crucial data points. These data points are Full name, Search Query, Past purchase history, Brand affinity, Average time you spend on a search, Average amount you spend, and much more. By using all this information, they create a user profile and use that to send hyper-personalized emails.

Since you were scouring for headphones and have purchased AKG products in the past, the majority of recommended headphones will be from AKG. In the suggestion email, the recommendations will be further customized for AKG headphones on metrics of budget. Amazon will take your purchase history into account and set a budget that you can easily afford. This hyper-personalization is the reason why Amazon’s on-site recommendation converts 60% higher compared to the other brands.

Personalized Push & In-app Notifications Starbucks

In the past few years, Starbucks has completely upgraded its personalization game. The personalization system of Starbuck has the potential to send over 400,000 variants of hyper-personalized messages, based on real-time data. The offers and recommendations doled out are unique for each individual based on their purchase history and taste preference.

The app interface of Starbucks is different for each individual user. They even send their loyalty program users personalized emails and mobile games.

Start By Defining Your Goals

Firstly, it is crucial to define your goals. For example, are you trying to get new customers? Are you hoping to gain new subscribers with your marketing campaign? Maybe you’re simply looking to increase the exposure of your business?

Whatever the case might be, defining the main goal is something that you may want to consider carefully before deciding on the best campaign. The goal of any marketing campaign can be different for every business.

For example, companies like Pepsi that you define your goals at the beginning before you start executing your marketing campaign. Think about the result you want to achieve and the necessary steps to get there. Don’t invest in social media marketing to get leads or sales. Instead, their ultimate goal is to brand their product. This means that their goal is to spread the word which leads to better engagement.

Determine A Suitable Marketing Strategy

According to a Smart Insights report, as many as 45% of digital marketers don’t actually have a suitable plan in place for their marketing campaigns.

Creating a marketing plan is indeed a tough and time-consuming task. However, marketing solutions that are created with a good plan in place can yield improvements significantly. To create the best marketing plan, below are the few things that you need to analyze first:

  • Audience
  • Type of platforms
  • Competitors
  • Budget

Once you analyze who your audience is, you will have more understanding of which platform you should choose for your marketing campaign. For instance, if you are a web development company and your goal is to get more clients, then you won’t want to focus on Facebook or Instagram as a part of your social media marketing campaign as your audience would mostly be at LinkedIn.

Based on your choice of platform, you have to analyze your competitors. For example, if you are focusing on SEO, then it is necessary to understand who is ranking for your targeted keywords. This won’t only help you create the best marketing plan but it also helps you analyze how much your competitors need to invest or are still investing in their SEO campaigns.

The final stage is to allocate a budget for each marketing campaign. Your budget should align with your goals. You can’t expect to get thousands of leads if you are investing just a few dollars. However, at the same time, just make sure that you aren’t investing millions for the same goal.

Gather Data

Before you can roll out your hyper-personalization strategy, you’ll need to ensure that you have enough data to make the right choices for your campaign’s needs. There are numerous platforms and tools that can help with data collection and ensure that you are able to target your customers effectively.

What data should you gather during this process? Well, there are multiple segmentation factors that you might want to collect at this point, such as:

  • History of interaction with other competitor brands and companies.
  • Customer’s history of spending and purchases.
  • Social media activities, engagements, and preferences (what pages/groups/ads do they like).
  • Demographic data and location (for example, their age, where they live, etc.).
  • Spending variables and information (e.g., the customer’s average spend across purchases).
  • Customer satisfaction ratings (e.g., target dissatisfied customers with your product).

These are a few of the different metrics that you could track during the data gathering stage. Getting as many details as possible is a crucial part of developing a reliable hyper-personalization marketing strategy.

Segment Customers Based On Gathered Data

There are a few different ways you can go about it, but most often, people will choose to group potential target customers based on their metrics and results.

This can then be developed into actionable intelligence, with the best results attained by considering a wide customer pool with a more generous selection of attributes. While the most effective hyper-personalization solutions are based on an individual approach, most marketers will still use segments to ensure that the most appropriate marketing solutions are being implemented at the most affordable cost.

If you plan segmenting customer groups, you should strive to make the groups as small and specific as possible to ensure that your marketing strategy remains personalized and effective.

For example, if you have 1000 email subscribers for your email marketing campaign, then you can make groups of 10 – 20 customers and send each group a personalized email. The segmentation can be based on their interests, previous purchase history, gender, marital status, age, etc. The benefits of the same would be;

  • When you send a personalized email to a group of people having multiple similarities, they will feel that the email is crafted exclusively for them and become more interested in your brand.
  • Many times when you send the same email to a large group of people, some might ignore it. For example, the reason might be that your segmentation was based on age, however, those interested in branded products might have ignored your offers on non-branded products.

Some commonly utilized approaches towards customer segmentation for hyper-personalization marketing include profiling, personal email segmentation, behavioural email segmentation, batch and blast strategies, and predictive modelling and email segmentation.

Develop A Journey Map

Before any customer makes a purchase, they will undergo a shopping journey of sorts – and as part of the hyper-personalization marketing goal, you will need to draft and model one of these customer journeys. Typically, they consist of 5 main steps as follows:

Firstly, your customer’s journey will begin with becoming aware of your brand. This is commonly achieved through marketing efforts like SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, etc. to draw new attention from customers.

Once potential customers have gained awareness of your brand, they will go on and search for it. This is often achieved through organic searches with search engines. Your SEO rankings will play a significant role at this stage.

The factors that can affect your Google ranking on targeted keywords are:

  • Website Speed: One of the most important SEO factors for ranking websites on Google is website loading speed. There are multiple ways to optimize site speed such as enabling compression, minifying CSS, reducing redirects, removing render-blocking JavaScript, etc.
  • On-Page Optimization: Having relevant meta details (such as meta titles, meta description, heading tags) and web content is essential to targeted keywords. Through meta details, you can tell Google what your page is about. Also, meta titles and meta descriptions are the first things that Google reads when indexing the website. If you fail here, then no matter how good you are, you won’t be able to secure a top ranking on highly competitive keywords.
  • Off-Page SEO: Off-site SEO or Off-Page SEO is all about building backlinks from high-quality domains. Google sees backlinks as the last factor for ranking a domain on competitive keywords. Therefore, if you want to rank among highly competitive keywords, make sure you have do-follow contextual backlinks from high authority domains.

Secondly, your business’s reputation will affect this. Factors such as word-of-mouth marketing, online reviews, blog posts and articles, and social media presence will all play a role there.

The focal point in the customer’s journey is the final two stages representing conversions and experience. During the conversion phase, your customers will be making bookings and orders with your company. Then, as a final step, the experience phase will complete the cycle and the customer potentially leaves a positive review about their experience with your brand.

Final Thoughts

If you have been looking for opportunities to optimize your business’s marketing solutions, then hyper-personalization could be a viable opportunity to consider. Indeed, it is something that is incredibly important for modern digital marketing solutions, and to this end, it is essential that digital marketers consider the opportunities that these solutions could offer.