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Debunking 9 Common Digital Marketing Myths

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Digital marketing is essential for your business in the 2020s. However, a lot of different opinions exist, and quite often marketers misinterpret data or opinions, which leads to the creation of certain myths.

In today’s article, we’re going to debunk some of the most common digital marketing myths, and explain why they’re not true.

Stay tuned.

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Debunking 9 Common Digital Marketing Myths

Debunking 9 Common Digital Marketing Myths

  1. The Quantity of Content Is More Important Than the Quality
  2. It’s Bad to Receive Negative Comments and Reviews
  3. Marketing Results Cannot Be Measured
  4. SEO Doesn’t Matter
  5. Huge Traffic Equals to Huge Sales
  6. Only Big Businesses Need Digital Marketing
  7. Results Should Come Immediately
  8. AI Will Fix Everything
  9. If Competitors Are Not Doing It, It’s Not Good for You

1. The Quantity of Content Is More Important Than the Quality

First, let’s remove the misconception of content not being vital for your business right from the start. Those who are aware of that fact, though, often make another mistake – thinking that just spilling out large amounts of content will suffice.

No, actually, the quality of your content is just as important, if not more, as its quantity. Let’s imagine your website has 200 articles – all of them written without too much craftsmanship and effort, you know, just to have something written on your blog.

Now compare that to a situation where you have only 20 articles on your website. However, all of them are written in the highest quality, expertise, and authority. A lot of research has obviously gone into writing them, and they are composed in an engaging way using storytelling, proper keywords and rich media like images, memes, and GIFs.

Which of the two scenarios do you think is more likely to rank better, bring more traffic, and leave the audience satisfied?

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2. It’s Bad to Receive Negative Comments and Reviews

One of the most common myths about digital marketing, that has been around for ages, is that getting bad comments on social media or bad reviews for your company is…bad.

Totally untrue. Getting a negative review is much better than having no reviews at all. As you’re probably aware, in today’s world, reviews are very much essential for users. They insist on checking businesses, reading what other people have to say, and so on. It helps them make a buying decision.

Since no one is perfect, it’s only natural that you will get the occasional bad review from an unhappy customer. When that happens, do not delete the review or proceed to make a huge fuss of it. Instead, think how to respond to the bad review. Ask yourself what caused the issue in the first place, and what you can do to make the customer happy.

Make it all public by responding right away. This way, other current and potential customers can see that you care about how people feel, and want to make things right.

Of course, if 90% or more of your reviews are negative, that should be a red light that something is very messed up with your business.

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3. Marketing Results Cannot Be Measured

Some digital marketing myths have lived a long life, and are quite deeply rooted in the minds of business owners. One such example is the belief that digital marketing results cannot be tracked or measured.

That’s completely false. Not only can you track results, you can measure almost anything.

For instance:

  • Track organic and paid traffic – Google Analytics, Google Search Console.
  • Measure backlinks, keyword position, and number of keywordsSemrush, Ahrefs, etc.
  • Impressions, clicks, and CTR – Google Search Console.
  • Website interaction, user sessions, heatmaps – Hotjar, Crazy Egg, etc.

Basically, as you can see, almost every digital marketing metric can be tracked and measured using various tools. This is one of the myths about digital marketing, you can just forget about.

4. SEO Doesn’t Matter

No matter what type or size of business you’re running, search engine optimization should always be at the top of your list. SEO is great for small businesses, enterprises, SaaS companies, and so on – you name it.

Keep in mind that those who say SEO doesn’t matter, clearly have no clue what they’re talking about. Search engine optimization is the key towards organic traffic, increased authority, trustworthiness, and expertise within your field, all which bring more visitors to your site, ultimately.

So, when someone tells you that SEO is dead, tell them that it’s not. In fact, it’s very much:


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5. Huge Traffic Equals to Huge Sales

Another common digital marketing myth is that huge amounts of traffic to your website automatically means your sales volume will skyrocket.

That sounds too good to be true, and well, it is. Here’s the deal.

What matters most for businesses and their revenue is their conversion rate. Simply put, when people find and visit your website, that’s called traffic. Then, once people have become your customers and actually bought from you, you consider that as conversions.

As you might have guessed, it’s not possible to convert 100% of your visitors to clients, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Truth be told, the average conversion rate is typically below 5%, although that strongly depends on your industry and business model. For example, the average conversion rate for eCommerce sites in 2022 was 3.65%, while freemium products like Slack and Spotify have a much higher conversion of 30% and 27% respectively.

Nevertheless, driving traffic to your site, is important. Although you should also consider multiple factors like analyzing user behavior, researching demographics and doing A/B tests, in order to convert that traffic into clients.

6. Only Big Businesses Need Digital Marketing

Where do we start on this one? It’s basically accepting the statement that social media, SEO, email marketing, PPC, and content marketing are all just meant for big businesses, like corporations.

So, how do you think those companies got where they are? Pure coincidence? A newspaper ad? Word of mouth across the globe?

Hell no, they all found clever and effective ways to use digital marketing and grow, grow, grow.

Every business starts as a small business, but if you believe this marketing misconception, you’ll never be able to use the power of digital marketing, and you’ll be missing out on a lot.

7. Results Should Come Immediately

A lot of us marketers have been in the situation where business owners or managers, who don’t really understand the basics of marketing, say they want to see results from your work quickly.

To personally address such people: Hello, this is marketing myths debunked, and digital marketing requires time and effort for things to happen.

SEO takes time to start giving results, social media marketing requires time to kick-in, even ads don’t provide great results from day one.

8. AI Will Fix Everything

One of the newer digital marketing myths, but equally absurd as the “older” ones. Artificial intelligence might help you automate tedious tasks or make your work easier in general, but it is not the definitive solution to everything (digital marketing-related or not).

So, unless you’re living in the year 2160, AI does not do all the work for your business, and you can’t just rely on it to make your business profitable.

A lot of marketers are guilty of overhyping recent artificial intelligent advancements like Chat GPT or Jasper. To be honest, those are great tools for lazy marketers, but are not a marketing cure all.

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9. If Competitors Are Not Doing It, It’s Not Good for You

It’s always good to conduct competitor analysis, know what your competitors are doing, and implement their best practices. Still, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t leave room for any innovation.

A common myth about digital marketing is that if the competition is not doing something, then it’s no point in you doing it. In that case, you might as well rename yourself to the name of your competitor, and offer the same products/services they do.

This also applies to statements, like “My competitors aren’t doing digital marketing, so why should I?”. Such a mindset is counterproductive, and can only lead to bad things for your business.

Wrapping Up

Digital marketing is the essence of today’s online business. Always keep your mind open and don’t fall for digital marketing myths. Trust your instincts, and research everything before you make any final decisions.

After all, there are so many myths that we take for facts such as you will get cramps if you swim right after you eat, dogs only see in black and white, lightning doesn’t strike twice, and, yeah, the Earth is flat.

Common sense and digital marketing go hand by hand, never forget that. And more importantly, don’t be quick to believe everything you read on the Internet.

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