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DevriX Recommends: 6 Most Useful WordPress & E-commerce Articles [March 2017]

DevriX Recommends 6 Most Useful WordPress & E-commerce Articles

DevriX, we believe in sharing. Every article we read and find useful is shared amongst the team on a weekly basis. When it comes to reading, our team doesn’t limit itself to a particular niche. We read everything, from time management topics to the list of richest guys in the world – from SEO tips to WordPress e-commerce to the latest news in video gaming or TV series.

In this post, we will share with you the 6/50 articles that are particularly focussed on WordPress development and E-commerce. Hopefully, you will find them useful…

But before we do that, check out this impressive infographic from on how to increase traffic to your e-commerce site.

infographic how to increase traffic to your e-commerce site

1. 15 Obstacles That Enterprises Report in WordPress and Development Partners – (By Mario Peshev)

how do WordPress blogs get hacked statistic

This one is from our very own, Mario Peshev, DevriX’s founder and CEO.

The post busts some of the most common misconceptions when enterprises are considering WordPress. A must-read post for all CEOs, marketing people, and WordPress developers as well.

Estimated Reading Time: 15 Minutes.

2. Mastering WooCommerce Products Custom Field – (By Remi Corson)

customize WooCommerce dynamically

Remi Corson is an expert WordPress developer. In this post, he talks about how you can customize WooCommerce dynamically, and in particular how to add custom fields to any WooCommerce products.

A must-check article, if you are trying to get the maximum out of WooCommerce.

Estimated Reading Time: 20 Minutes

3. How to Market Your E-Commerce Store in Just an Hour a Day – (By Neil Patel)

Neil is an expert in the field of marketing. He helps brands be more visible digitally.

In this post he talks about how to market your e-commerce establishment with a minimum of efforts and time – usually one hour a day.

Estimated Reading Time: 20 Minutes

4. How to Install WordPress With Docker – By UpCloud

WordPress with Docker

This one is a pretty technical one – a step-by-step guide on how you can install WordPress with Docker.

Estimated Reading Time: 15 Minutes

5. Enabling AJAX File Uploads in Your WordPress Plugin – (By Firdous Zahari)

This post is authored by Firdous Zahari, a web developer from Malaysia. You can know more about him here.

In this post, he talks about how to implement AJAX upload in a plugin.

Estimated Reading Time: 20 Minutes

6. Angular VS React; A Side-by-Side Comparison – By Shannon Duncan

Shannon Duncan is an able developer with great writing skills.

In this post, he talks about the positives and negatives of Angular and React.

Estimated Reading Time: 20 minutes.

Do you have something worth sharing? Don’t hesitate to comment below.


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