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Entrepreneurial, Social Media, Blogging, Tech, Life Style, Humor, Digital Marketing & More: 13 Top Articles We Read in 2017!

Top Articles We Read in 2017

Sharing is Caring! DevriX team members love to share new resources with their readers and clients. We believe in the practice of caring and will continue with this thoughtful practice of sharing.

Here is a list of 13 articles that our team has read and wanted to share with our readers.

1. How Disaster Inspired a Multi-billion Dollar Business

A title can tell a thousand words! Published on the on January 16, 2017 by Andreane Williams (@AndreaneWillia1). It reveals the secrets of a successful business and reminds you why you should give back. In addition, it’s an inspiring article about handling the worst situation(s) in the best way possible.

2. 21 Tips on Running a Great Social Media Contest

Social media contests can be a great way to gain new followers and customers. But how do you run a successful social media contest? This article provides you with 21 interesting tips to answer all your questions. This article was published in on by Eric Sachs (@EricSachs_SEO).

3. 5 New Features in PHP 7

PHP lovers will find this article exciting because it will introduce them to the latest version of PHP 7. Here is the answer to the biggest question of them all – Why is PHP 7 so special? This article was published in by Alena Holligan (@sketchings)

4. Programmers Should Blog (Including You)

Are you a programmer? Then start blogging today, not only for your followers, but to help others benefit from your experience. In this article, Tom McFarlin (@tommcfarlin) shares some ideas. It may look difficult, especially if you do not have any idea how to blog, however, be confident – it is as simple as writing a diary! This article was published in

5. How to Radically Improve Your Writing in Under 2 Minutes

Did you know, some of your writing practices can annoy others? If you are someone who is writing for a number of people on a regular basis, then it is important to know what things could annoy  readers. This excellent article was published in by Jessica Stillman (@EntryLevelRebel). It’s a great resource for writing professionals and for individuals who are thinking about starting their own blog.

6. Why Telling Jokes at Work Makes You Appear More Confident

Telling jokes at work? Yes, it’s true! Sometimes sharing irrelevant but interesting or humorous situations can make you appear more confident to those around you. However, it’s important to never forget who your target audience is! Find the article at by Nina Zipkin (@NinaZipkin).

7. 5 Ways to Kick the Bad Mental Habits That Keep You From Reaching Your Goals

Bad mental habits can simply keep you away from success! Did you know that just one bad mental habit can doom you to failure! You might want to discover what other people have done to avoid this kind of situation. This excellent article was published in on January 10, 2017 by Amy Morin (@AmyMorinLCSW)

8. Tim Ferriss: If You’re Not Happy with What You Have, You Might Never Be Happy

Who does not want to be happy? Everyone does. But did you know, that it’s true, no one can make you happy but yourself? This article comes with a surprising message about the secret to happiness. This article was published in by Aaron Gell. It is a motivational article that will definitely boost your self-esteem.

9. 53 Digital Marketing Tools You Should Master in 2017

As a digital marketer, your task is harder if you fail to use the latest tools and resources. Digital marketing tools will not only make your task easier but you can learn a lot about getting results faster. Ivan Dimitrov (@Proffi) presented a list of 53 digital marketing tools. This article was published in

10. 3 Inbound Marketing Best Practices to Steal for 2017

Converting leads into sales – this is one of the biggest dreams of business owners nowadays. Inbound marketing plays a significant role in this growing sector. If your marketing program is falling short of your expectations, then this article is certainly for you. This article was published on by Brian Hughes (@BrianHughes116).

11. 6 New Year’s Resolutions for the Modern Day Marketer

Marketing trends are changing day by day. Modern day marketing is a bit different than traditional marketing. If you are thinking about creating resolutions for your business, then here you go! Sergio Aicardi  (@SEOcompanyMiami) presented some exclusive New Year’s resolutions. This article was published in in December 2016.

12. 32 Ways a Digital Marketing Consultant Can Help You Rock Your 2017 Efforts

Most likely your marketing objectives incorporate ideas such as creating more activity, generating more leads, and eventually, making more deals due to the success of your marketing efforts. A good marketing consultant can help you out with this. They can provide you with various approaches that will allow you to accomplish your objectives. This article was published in by Barry Feldman  (@FeldmanCreative).

13. 9 Ways to Sell on Social Media

Attempting to tell your fans and devotees about your online store? Why not bring your services to them instead? Offering web-based networking media is not a new idea. What is new is the way organizations are reaching out to people to generate income. That is the thing that you’ll learn here. This article was published in by Jordan Kasteler (@JordanKasteler).

Bottom Line:

What articles have you found to be interesting lately or that thought you’d like to share with others? Let us know in the comment box below and always remember that sharing is caring!