If you’ve ever dealt with writing, or at least tried to find new ideas for your website, then you’d know how difficult it is to come up with fresh content ideas most of the time. Although, your writer and marketing team can help come up with new content, sometimes, even the most experienced people can get what we call “writer’s block”.
It is vital to find fresh content for your website as posting the same thing over and over again can tire your audience out. Additionally, updating your old content can also help improve your SEO rankings.
In this article, we will discuss ways you can find new and innovative ideas to create valuable and engaging content for your website.
Ways to Find Fresh and High-Quality Content Ideas
Just as we have mentioned, you and your marketing team must make it a point to find fresh and high-quality ideas for your website. Take a look at these tips that we have listed below to keep your web content up to date.
Finding inspirational sources for creating new content is not always easy, but you need to keep improving and provide your website visitors with valuable and interesting information. Take a look at these tips that we have listed below to keep your web content up to date.
Identify Potential Topics and Make a List
First, make sure that you and your marketing team have a list of titles that you can choose from. Ask your writers, editors, and other team members to suggest new titles every week so you can choose the best ones.
Let your team dedicate a few hours or even the whole day to research trends and sources on the internet. Take a look at what everybody is talking about and look for similar content. You should also be aware of what’s happening around you as you can relate these trends to your brand.
Remember: it’s a lot easier to focus on a specific task than to try juggling everything at once. Brainstorming on possible content and titles is a lot easier than to try and look for one and then write about it right after.
Consider Conducting Interviews
One of the best ways to get fresh content ideas is by talking to your audience. Try conducting interviews and asking them what they would like to see from you. You don’t have to talk to them directly – you can ask them to answer a survey and you can go from there.
You can also create a social media post encouraging them to pitch in regarding the ideas that they have in mind. This way, not only will you be able to give them exactly what they’d want to see, but you will also get fresh ideas for your website! It’s a win-win situation, really.
Additionally, you can also interview experts in your industry. Look for authoritative figures and ask them if you can do a sit-down interview with them. This can be done through a phone or a live video call. Make a list of questions that you would want to ask them so you wouldn’t get frantic during the interview.
Make sure to keep a record of the interviews that you conduct, so you can always come back to it later.
Make Good Use of Google
We are quite certain that you have utilized this tip before, but we are including it on this list anyway. If you have specific ideas in mind but you can’t think of topics around them, then try searching for just the keyword on Google. It will give you suggested topics and from there, you can scroll down to find topics that might interest you.
If you can’t think of a keyword, then try looking over your past articles to get the keywords. Type this on Google and see what pops up. Thousands of articles are being posted every day, and you will surely find some that you haven’t written about before.
You also have the option to use the Google Keyword Planner and other keyword planning tools as these tools can provide you with keyword search volume, keyword difficulty, and even provide you with other suggestions. You can also choose to discover new keywords, research keywords, get bid estimates, and even make your own keyword plan for the future.
Turn Videos into Articles
If you have videos posted on your website or social media accounts, then you can turn those into blog posts and vice versa. However, if you don’t have videos on your website just yet, then you can look for ones that are related to your industry and turn them into articles. Just make sure to keep it as original and authentic as possible.
You can also check the comments section on your videos to see what people are saying. Your audience can help you generate new ideas without you realizing it, so make it a habit to read through the comments every once in a while.
Rewrite and Rework Your Previous Titles
Try and revisit your articles from a few years ago. Most of it might be outdated and so now is the chance to update it or even create a new article with the same thought or idea. Take your old titles and put a new spin on them so you can introduce the article to new readers.
For example, you have an old article focusing on using Google for optimization purposes. You can then choose to update and publish it again. You can also create a new article, but this time, you can write about how Google can help a website thrive. It uses the same idea, but the latter has a different perspective.
Pay Attention to People’s Comments on Your Blog
Your blog’s comments section should always be open to the public. As mentioned before, you can use ideas from your readers. So make sure to check this section out every once in a while.
Checking the comments will also allow you to see what people are saying about your blog. Make it a point to respond to comments as well as this is a great way to communicate with your audience.
Look for keywords on people’s comments, as you can turn these into titles. Just tweak it a bit so you can make the tile SEO-friendly.
Take a Peek at Your Competitor’s Website
It’s not bad to take a look at your competitor’s website as long as you do not copy their content. Try scrolling through their website and blog to see if there are titles there that you have not covered yet. Make sure to just use the idea as inspiration and tweak the title so you would not get flagged for it.
Once you have compiled some of the best titles and ideas, go ahead and do your research. Additionally, you can also check their comments section and see what their customers are talking about. You can also get ideas from these people just as you would from your own comments section.
You can also check their FAQs page and see if you can get title ideas from it. You can write a whole article about these questions, just make sure to tweak it for your own content.
Research About the Latest Trends
If you want to get engagement from your readers, then try looking up recent events and trends. For example, since we are still experiencing a pandemic, you can try and relate your products and services to the current events. Highlight how your business can help the people and what the industry is doing to help.
Just make sure that the topics will always be related to your brand and what you are trying to sell. Try looking up local events and even national trade shows that you can relate to your industry.
This will help get the people talking, which can help boost your presence on social media and even boost your rankings on search engines.
Create Articles Based on the Most Common FAQs
Just as we have mentioned earlier, you can create articles based on FAQs. If you already have a FAQ section on your website, then revisit that and see if you can make articles on
certain questions and topics. Expand on these questions and talk about it in a single article so you can further answer your readers’ questions clearly.
If you still do not have a FAQ section, then now is the time to start creating one. Gather your customers’ most asked questions and answer them in a brief but informative manner. Make sure to keep it short so you can still create an article around it.
Write About Your New Products or Services
If you are introducing new products and/or services to your clients, then you can go ahead and write a full article about it. You can completely specify how it can benefit the user/s as well as its full specifications.
By writing about your new products and services, not only will you be able to introduce and hype it to your audience, but you will also get to encourage them to try it out. Additionally, you can also direct them to this article especially if they are ever looking for a guide on how to do it.
Although there are many ways to generate fresh content ideas for your blog, these tips can help you get started. Don’t let writer’s block get in the way but instead, try incorporating these tips today to keep your readers interested in the content that you have to offer.