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Twitter Marketing: 4 Surefire Ways to Drive More Traffic from Twitter

Twitter is among the largest social media networks when it comes to popularity and widespread use. Facebook is the number one! But it is not very marketing-friendly, thanks to its algorithm known as Edgerank.

Now, this is where Twitter has a lead; it has zero filters.

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You just need to make sure that you have enough followers on Twitter so that it becomes easy (and more meaningful) to squeeze your content onto their news feed. More followers here would mean better exposure to your content.

Keep in mind that Twitter marketing goes way beyond simply flashing links to your website.

Here are 4 surefire ways to drive more traffic to your website…

How to Drive More Traffic From Twitter

  1. Twitter loves visuals
  2. Click to tweet
  3. Visual testimonials
  4. Twitter headlines

How to Drive More Traffic From Twitter

1. Twitter Loves Visuals

Fact check: Do you know our brain processes images and all sorts of visual content 60,000 times faster than decoding text?

The fact above results in 89% more favorites, 18% more link clicks, AND 150% more retweets for tweets with some type of visual content.

In the past, we were told to keep our marketing material (mostly emails at that time) short. Short enough so that the reader could have access to all the important information up top.

Totally discouraging the “scroll down” movement. A lot has changed now. We are a “scrolling bunch”, thanks to social media, we often find ourselves to a point where there is nothing new on our Facebook or Twitter pages. We scroll and scroll, mostly stopping at places that are visually catchy.

Try using more images, infographics, charts, videos to get more engagement and click backs to your website.

2. Click to Tweet

Click to tweet is a wonderful tool that allows readers of your blog to create a tweet then and there.

What you’re doing through the click to tweet is getting the best information from your blog “tweet-ready”. Since the information highlighted is likely to be the best and the catchiest information from your blog, readers are more likely to share your stuff.

It’s a win-win situation here. Not only is your content getting shared more, but it is becoming more visible. When an anonymous reader shares your content, it will automatically be visible to his or her followers, and this could very well have a ripple effect.

3. Visual Testimonials

It’s a proven fact that nicely written testimonials have a huge impact on sales. A prime example of this is Amazon. Testimonials and reviews play such a crucial role in boosting their sales.

Think about it – when was the last time you got anything online without reading its reviews first?

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Testimonials help potential customers gauge your skills and services, and how your business has helped individuals and other businesses succeed. One piece of advice here would be to be as specific as you possibly can. Remember that it’s a review – not a blog post!

Combining your testimonials with some visuals is also a good idea to make your stuff stand out from the competition. Two great tools that you can use to create such testimonials are PicMonkey and Canva. Try them out!

4. Twitter Headlines

It is a common misunderstanding that good headlines are only needed for blogs and emails. Trust us, it can really be the differentiator for your Twitter.

People through the title of your blog or subject line of your email decide whether they should be reading your content or not.

The same goes for Tweets. The quality of the headline (Tweet) is going to influence the readers (scrollers in this case) to either ignore your tweet or click on the link you wish them to click.

If you’re one of those who spends quite some time on writing interesting and catchy titles for your blog, then you should do the same for Tweets. In fact, you can use the same title (if it is fit for Twitter), mix it up with some relevant #hashtags and put it on your Twitter – Problem Solved!

Compelling headlines result in a 75% higher conversion rate.

Bottom Line

Do you think you are using all or some of these techniques? Do you think it is benefiting your Twitter marketing? Tell us what you think in the comments below!