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What’s New in WordPress 4.4 ?


On Tuesday, WordPress “Clifford” was announced to the world. It is a major WordPress update that adds amazing new features to the already familiar and beloved WordPress Core. In WP 4.3, we’d seen a lot of exciting updates.

Things like editing your website menus, directly from the Customizer, or quick ways to style the typography of your content. However, this doesn’t stop the brilliant WordPress engineers from developing more and more innovative features.

What’s New in WordPress “Clifford” ?

In WP 4.4, there are several features that have been added and a new annual theme design has been introduced. WordPress 4.4 comes with automatically Responsive images, the possibility to Embed everything in your blog posts, and under the hood, there is the Rest API. Also, last but not least, WordPress 4.4 has announced its new default theme for 2016, called Twenty Sixteen.

Responsive Images


Now every image on your website is responsive. What does that mean? Well, let’s just put it this way… If you are a web designer, who is working at a WordPress agency, and your job is to create a Mobile friendly design of the client’s site. You won’t need to think about the responsiveness of the images anymore. WP 4.4 comes with built in styles. Styles that are specially designed to help you with the brainstorming process around mobile friendly images.

Embed Everything

WordPress now allows you to add, not just beautiful photos or funny videos, in your post. But with “Clifford”, you are able to add previous posts within your new ones just by pasting their URL into the visual editor. But does that means you can embed only posts?! Of course not. You can embed almost anything that you want by simply dragging & dropping the URL of the desired Page, Comment or Media (and a lot more) in your post.

Rest API


Introducing the Rest API into the WordPress Core means “marking a new era in developing with WordPress”. With the Rest API, all the amazing developers out there will have the possibility to create new amazing plugins, faster & simpler than ever before. Check out the detailed information for the Rest API plugin here. With the Rest API, there are updates in three different aspects of the WP core.

Term Meta

Terms now support metadata, just like posts. Check the newly integrated functions for more information add_term_meta()get_term_meta(), and update_term_meta().

Comments Query

Comment queries now support cache handling to improve performance. New arguments in WP_Comment_Query make crafting robust comment queries simpler.

Term, comment, and network objects

New WP_Term, WP_Comment, and WP_Network objects make interacting with terms, comments, and networks more predictable and intuitive in code.

Who Is Responsible for “Clifford” ?

The team which brought WordPress 4.4 “Clifford” to life, consists of 471 individual Contributors. Each of them has added unique updates and new features that everyone can use today! Two of our own team members were also involved in the development of 4.4:

@MarioPeshev – Founder of DevriX

@StankoMetodiev – Senior Project Manager and WordPress Engineer of DevriX

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