Nowadays, every business has a WordPress website. But, not everyone has a WordPress website that brings in new clients every week!
When you want to generate more sales for your company, you can’t afford to have an ineffective website. Yes, you may have a Picasso-like masterpiece of web layout, but that doesn’t mean that it will transform the bottom line of your B2B business.
Having a first-rate closers on your team is all great too, but on a broader scale, most of the companies out there don’t have the best salespeople in the world. However, they can greatly benefit from having a constant-filling pool of leads coming directly in from the power of your WordPress website!
If you want to drive more B2B sales via WordPress, you need to learn how to combine the tips below, so you can successfully transform your website into a sales machine!
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Infographic: Turn Your B2B Website Into a Sales Machine in 7 Steps
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1. Perform a Detailed SEO and UX Audit
The first thing that you need to examine is your SEO. Let’s face it, search engine optimization is not a one-time job. It requires further monitoring and tweaking as a result of the gathered data. You need to update your content, keywords, and keep up with all the Google algorithm updates.
To ensure that your SEO strategy is impactful, you must establish where you are and what you can do to further improve your position in SERPs. For the purpose, there are several tools that you can use to perform the diagnosis:
- Google Analytics: Analyze the number of users that visit your pages, your landing pages, your bounce and conversion rate, and through which device prospects visit you the most.
- Google Search Console: GA is useful for analyzing user behavior, but GSC focuses more on the health of your website. You can check how your site looks on search engines, if your data implementation is structured, and if there are any errors in your AMP pages.
- Ryte: It inspects whether your website is indexable, checking HTTP status codes, robots.txt file, canonicals, redirects, and pagination as well.
- SearchMetrics: A tool that is centered around the visibility of your website. It calculates the positions that your page most often appears on SERPs, and how the visibility on search engines changes over time.
Check the Indexed Pages
Just a simple Google search can show you exactly where you are. Type
Make sure that the first result is your homepage. If not, you definitely have to work on your SEO and fix the errors that you have on your site, and more than that, you need to work on your branding and leave nothing to chance when someone performs a Google search about your company.
Is Your On-Page Optimization on Point?
Optimizing meta tags plays a huge role in your SEO because they are read by search engines, and more importantly, by visitors as well. First impressions are a big deal, especially for B2B companies, and this is why you must focus on your meta descriptions.
Title Tags
Your title tags need to be optimized for each of your pages. Ensure that they’re not more than 55-60 characters long. If you still have pages without title tags on your WordPress site, make sure that you write them down.
Description Tags
Descriptions should be optimized for each of your pages as well. You need to provide a short description of what’s on your page. They can be as long as you wish, but you don’t exaggerate, make sure that they’re not over 160 characters.
Again, don’t forget about first impressions. Your meta descriptions can act as your ad copy, and they need to invite the target users to click.
Each of your pages should have one primary that you need to focus on, and several other alternative keywords that you need to use strategically across the page.
However, if you go too far with your keyword usage, it may be flagged as a black hat SEO tactic. Also, ensure that you have a sufficient amount of quality content that will support your main keywords.
Another rule of thumb is to include the primary keyword of your page in the H1 tag, and also, it’s important to include the keywords in your alt tags.
Pure URLs
Three things about URLs:
- Ensure that you have a URL that explains what’s on the page.
- Always separate words in your URLs with hyphens.
- Maintain a static address of your indexed pages.
Your Content Length
The advertising legend, David Ogilvy, once said:
“All of my experience says that for a great many products, long copy sells more than short…advertisements with long copy convey the impression that you have something important to say, whether people read the copy or not.”
Other than that, longer content brings you better SEO results. As a matter of fact, serpIQ did a study of the medium length of the content that ranks high in search queries and found that the industry-leading blog posts are usually over 2,000 words.
However, it’s not just about the length, you need to make sure that you provide value on each of your pages, so you can attract more target clients from search results.
Content Formatting
Your target clients are in a hurry, and they probably want to go directly to what they are searching for. This is why your content must be formatted for skimming and reading, with proper paragraphs and H tags that are utilized across your content.
For your articles, use only one H1 tag, H2 and H2 tags can be used to make your content easier to read, and the page headlines should definitely include the keywords that you aim to rank for.
Check for Duplicate Content
To find whether you have a duplicate version of the content that you want to publish, you can use Copyscape.
This matters because if your own content is on another website, and that website has a better SEO score, it is like you’ve never written the content in the first place, and users won’t come to you first.
Another point to take into consideration is that each URL on your website must have original content that is intended for that URL/page only. Perform a Google search for a random snippet of your content and note if the snippet appears in more than one link.
Make sure that you avoid having exactly the same copy on multiple pages.
Next, Inspect the UX of Your WordPress Site
Of course, keywords can be one of your most powerful weapons that can drive web traffic for your B2B company. However, Google has another factor that it values, and that is User Experience!
The UX of your website is all about your audience’s ability to navigate your website and successfully find the answers that they were looking for. A website with good UX will have better search rankings, more organic traffic, and higher authority.
Google measures the UX of your website according to the following factors:
- Time on the page: The time that the users spend on your page.
- Pages per session: Number of pages that are visited before leaving your site.
- Exit percentage: The percentage of users that leave your website, instead of browsing further.
- Bounce Rate: Percentage of users that enter your website, and then exit (or bounce) before opening a second page.
- Inbound links: The quality of external websites that link to your website.
Is Everything Findable?
Each page of your B2B website must be easy to find! Headlines must notable, the navigation must be easy to access, and the landing pages and service pages should not be difficult to spot either.
Is Your Business Authentic?
Remember that you won’t get a second chance Prospective clients must trust you as soon as they open your WordPress website. And how can your future clients trust you more? With testimonials, images of your team, certificate, industry recognition badges, and more. You must convince them to stay on your website and that your product/service will solve their problems.
Conduct a Usability Test
Usability testing can help you assess your website by testing it on potential users. It is all about observing users perform a single or combined tasks on your website. You watch how they do the tasks and collect data. For more effectiveness, your test users should come from your target audience.
Things to Keep in Mind
- Never presume that you know what the users think.
- Fully understand your target personas before conducting a UX audit.
- Don’t be prejudiced! When auditing the UX of your website, you need to act like your most typical target user, and like you’ve just discovered the site.
2. Use Effective Headlines
In most cases, headlines are the first thing that captures the attention of your target users.
Approximately, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest. This is the key to the powerful headlines, and why they can determine the success of the entire content.
Headlines can either invite readers to learn more or they can push them away. If the headline is bad, only a small portion of your target clients will probably explore the rest of your website.
Basically, a headline can make or break an article. This line sets the tone for the entire copy and if you manage to bring in more readers, you can increase the number of leads and sales. If not, you’ll need to examine why the headline is not working.
The main purpose of your headline should be to make the audience read the first line of your content. If you want to convince people to read the first line, you need to create compelling headlines that attract your audience.
Writing Your Headlines
If you lack the inspiration, there are many online content headline generators that can help you develop excellent content ideas and titles:
- Sumo Kick-Ass Headline Generator
- Portent Content Idea Generator
- Break Your Own News
- Blog Title Generator by SEOpressor
These tools should serve you as the first step towards an idea and title development, and nothing more. It’s all about producing content titles faster and even improving your existing ones.
Be Solution-Oriented
Sell the solution to the problem! When you write your content, your focus must be on your customer’s problems, wants, needs and solutions.
For example, let’s say that the customer has problems with boosting website traffic. Right from the start, you need to focus on the solution, for example:
Show your readers the tools and tactics that can solve their problems, and that you are focused on resolving those problems successfully.
Research the Top-Performing Headlines in Your Industry
If you know your industry leaders and competitors have an excellent content marketing strategy, the chances are that they’re excellent when it comes to formulating headlines as well. What performs for them can work for your business too.
You can generate similar headlines and even improve on the best headlines in your industry. To do this effectively, you can use one of the best content marketing tools, BuzzSumo.
BuzzSumo allows you to observe your competitors’ content and learn what works best for them. The more shares a given post gets on social media, the more effective the headline is. People clicked on those headlines, loved what they read and passed it on. That can happen with your content too, you just need to learn from the best and emulate the way they form their headlines with a bit of your own flair added.
Question Headlines
This is a straightforward type of headline where you ask questions. For example:
The answer to the question, “How Does Marketing Automation Work?” is in the article. If you googled it you’re interested in learning more about marketing automation, and so, you’ll click on this title.
Benefit-Focused Headlines
A benefit-focused headline provides the reader with a fragment of what he/she will get after reading your content. For example, here’s an article about lead nurturing strategies that can boost sales:
The person that will read the article will know the strategies and use them as a way to increase sales numbers.
You also may notice that this headline contains a number. As a matter of fact, headlines with numbers can generate up to 73% more engagement than the headlines without them.
How-To Headlines
How-Tos are one of the most common questions that a user can ask on Google and in real life too. With a How-to headline, you can invite the prospects to read a piece of useful advice on how to do something way better. For example, here’s an answer on how to use BuzzSumo as a tool for content marketing purposes:
In this article, there’s information about the how-to and actionable steps about it. The person that will read this will learn how to use BuzzSumo for his/her content marketing strategy.
List Headlines
Everyone in the B2B industry love insights! In this case, you can use a headline that invites users to take a look at a round-up of insights about a certain topic. For example, here is a list of 19 business experts discussing the best ways to build a successful blog:
It’s a long piece that includes content from different people and their links as well. You can formulate your listicles in different ways, like:
- (Number of) Ways
- (Number of) Things
- (Number of) Steps
- (Number) Tips
- Top (Number)
- The (Number) Reason
List headlines and content are effective and can get the most engagement and shares on social media. These titles let the user know that the content is skimmable and easy to read, so they definitely will want to explore it based on the headline.
Using the Right Words
You need to form a connection right from the start. And, there’s no better way to form a connection than using the right words in your headlines. Words have the power to make users click on the article and learn more.
Power words are an excellent way to tempt users into taking action.
Remarkable Websites: WordPress Maintenance Can Take You There
Ask Yourself Before Writing Any Headlines
When you learn what type of headlines work the best, you’ll need to analyze a few things before you formulate a headline:
- It is accurate?
- Does it fit with the context?
- Is the promise compelling?
- Does it offer any benefit to the clients?
- Too wordy, or too little words?
Be certain to double and triple-check your headlines before you publish your content.
3. Have a Simple Navigation
Never overlook the navigation on your WordPress website! Of course, the more attractive aspects of your build are the visible ones, such as the layout, colors, and design details. Moreover, having the right structure and navigation will ensure that users will find what they’re looking for on your site.
Let’s face it, nobody wants to dig through pages and links to get to the information that should have been included on the homepage. For example, if someone finds your product pages deep down in an irrelevant page. The best method to place them in front of the users is with a simple drop-down menu from the main website navigation.
But, you need to remember that people are busy and they don’t have time for lengthy drop-down menus. It’s your job to know what they’re looking for initially, and provide direct access to it!
There are also other ways to invite prospects to explore your website, and that is through mindfully placed CTAs on your homepage.
If the call-to-action is prominent enough to attract the users’ attention, it is good enough to make them click and enter the next stage of the purchasing/subscription process such as filling out a form, ordering a product or signing up for a product/service.
To further improve the navigation of your B2B WordPress website, you can also use a footer where you can place additional links that you wouldn’t situate in the main menu.
When you plan the navigation of your site, only include the most important pages that support the user’s journey in your main menu, and everything that’s left, you can leave it for the footer.
4. Include Client Testimonials and Referrals
An excellent way to build trust with your prospects and increase sales is to incorporate client testimonials and referrals on your B2B website. Based on research done by Nielsen, 92% of the people trust peer recommendations, even if it comes from someone that they don’t know.
A client testimonial has all the right ingredients to make a sale because they are real users that have experienced the benefits of your product/service. Regardless of how good the design of your website is, prospects can hold off their purchasing decision if they don’t see another satisfied client there.
Remember that in business, trust is vital. People that are interested in your product need to be convinced by what they are looking at on your page. That’s why a happy client and his/her testimonial is the best social proof of all if you want to increase your sales rates!
For more excellent customer testimonial examples and tips, check out this article from HubSpot.
5. Use Embedded CTAs
If you want to redirect your readers from your blog to your product/service pages, you need to use embedded CTAs. Without CTAs, prospects might not know where to proceed after they’ve read your article, or during the reading.
For example, at the end of your blog post, you can include a smart call-to-action that invites the users to proceed to another useful page.
If the readers are interested in knowing more about your content, you can also invite them to subscribe to your posts and be alerted via email every time a new one is published. Make the subscription CTA as clear and as close to the post as possible.
Another excellent way to convert readers is to use sliding CTAs on your blog. This type of call-to-action is a good way to provide more information while they still browse and read your post.
6. Use Exit Intent Pop-ups
Sometimes, to convert a lead, you only need one last touch. This touch can be an exit intent popup that can be displayed just before the user decides to leave the browser tab with your website in it.
Yes, sometimes, popups can be annoying, but in general, they can work wonders for B2B lead generation! The biggest benefits of using exit intent pop-ups for your B2B WordPress website are:
- Refocuses the readers: If something else takes the attention of the users away from your website, they might want to close it. An exit intent popup can refocus the attention of the user and increase the conversion rate.
- Constructs urgency: A popup can’t be bookmarked for later! This is why a popup can convince people to act immediately!
The most important aspect of a high-converting popup is the offer! A popup can’t be annoying if the offer is good! Think about your prospects – how would you react if you want to leave, and receive a popup that hasn’t got the real power to bring you back to the site? Some good ideas for an exit intent popup offer are:
Offer a Free Webinar
If you manage to record a webinar that will be of extreme value for your B2B clients, why don’t you make it exclusive and use it to keep the prospect interested in your company?
Provide a Content Upgrade
Providing additional content in your popup that is relevant to the page that the user wants to leave is always a good way to improve your lead generation efforts!
Grant a Free Trial
If you have a SaaS product, you can provide a limited free trial via your exit intent popup. But, make sure that you eliminate the users’ stress by assuring them that you will not charge them or ask their credit card after the free trial period ends.
7. Do Some Live Chatting
As a B2B enterprise, the process of attracting and converting leads can be one of your biggest challenges. However, with the emergence of live chats, a new way to nurture and convert leads was born.
Real-time Interaction
B2B is a competitive area, and you must engage your leads fast! And, what’s faster than a live chat?
You can address a question or ask one immediately, and people will appreciate the promptness of your answers! Live chats provide prospects with the impression that there’s always a person ready to assist them with a process.
As a matter of fact, 92% of customers say they’d rather use a live chat, which allows them l to quickly ask about their pain points, get useful feedback, and in turn, you can guide them through the process and strengthen the client-business relationship.
Quick Response Time
The attention span of web users is short, and along with smartphones and multitasking, live chatting is the instinctive choice for business people that want to communicate things.
This is why it is crucial to connect with your leads in real time and provide them with a quick response. Providing an answer at the right time can make all the difference! Additionally, they’ll be open to more communication with your sales reps in the future.
Personalized Messages
Let’s face it, people are bombarded with prepared social media messages, push notifications, and email newsletters on a daily basis, including weekends. This is the time when personalization really matters!
According to Gartner, smart personalization processes that acknowledge customer intent can increase profits up to 15%. Most of the live chat platforms provide you with personalization features, including welcome and away messages, and customized greetings that the prospect will see according to his/her stage of the buyer journey.
To be sure that this approach works, you’ll need to write several different chat conversation templates, and insert the FAQ in your live chat program.
Cut Down the Sales Funnel
In B2B, the buyer journeys are usually longer than in B2C, because you’ll need to invest a lot more effort in nurturing the prospect in the consideration phase to convince him/her that you’re really worth it!
Live chat software can shorten the process! For example, you can provide an informative content or product demo that the prospect can pick up straight away from the chat, and your sales reps can follow up with a question promptly after that.
This will reduce the drop-off and your bounce rate, which in turn can help you close leads faster without the common long process that’s present in the B2B industry.
If you want to add a Live Chat solution to your WordPress website, consider the following options:
Wrapping Up
To sum up, there’s no reason why you B2B WordPress website shouldn’t become a sales machine! As you can see, boosting sales through your website requires several different approaches. By discovering the right way to put the steps above in effect, you should experience a significant increase in your sales and b2b lead generation rate.
If you need to skyrocket your WordPress B2B build beyond the tips and capabilities above, you can discover more beneficial advice by contacting the DevriX team!