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Our Core Values

Core values are the bread and butter of the business. Without establishing the core foundations of how we operate, what we care about, and the essence of what makes a troop DevriXian, we cannot sustain and thrive in a healthy, scalable environment.

What makes a DevriXian the right fit for our family?

Never Stop Learning

A true DevriXian tirelessly looks for ways to improve.

Regardless of whether it’s a new way to accomplish a goal, a productivity hack to optimize the process, reading about new tools and solutions, or following the industry trends.

We are here to learn and always get better.

Get smarter every week

What gets measured gets managed. Top DevriXians learn a ton on a weekly basis and gain cumulative progress over time. Starting each week you should feel accomplished and fulfilled after learning a new hack, tip, strategy, way to solve a problem, get out of the way. Being stuck continuously is a red flag.

Master your technique

Barely achieving the “bare minimum” is not the path to progress. Real professionals mature and develop themselves, polishing their skills and advancing in their own craft. It’s acceptable to solve some problems with a quick hack as and when needed - but striving to be on top of the industry should be your guiding principle. Continuously reading, experimenting, testing both vertically (in-depth) and horizontally (encompassing areas and fields) will bring you personal satisfaction and enable you to progress further over time.

Growth hack productivity

“There’s more than one way to bake a cake”. Are you effectively utilizing your workflow? Do you use templates? How organized are your bookmarks? Is your tooling the best out there? What about keyboard shortcuts? How do you allocate focus time and manage your energy? Productivity management is an art, and it’s a philosophy that we respect a ton. There’s always room for improvement but we strive to always get better and more efficient.

Stay out of the box

Your comfort zone is a place to rest and recover, but not a temple of progress. To learn, you have to position yourself in an environment of uncertainty and unknowns. Take on a new responsibility at work or experiment with a new tool or framework. Join challenges. Teach a workshop. Adopt a plugin. Your comfort zone holds you back - don’t burn yourself out but avoid stagnation at all times.

Be a Community Citizen

Once a DevriXian,
always a DevriXian.

Our family is not merely a stepping stone. We care about people and truly invest in building bonds, looking into the bigger picture, and growing together. Culture is the #1 prerequisite over interviews so joining our family means we can rock together, have fun, enjoy parties, organize gaming sessions, create playlists together, run pet beauty contests, or whatever.

It is an open, honest, and transparent environment. We have goals to hit, core values to preach, grow together, make clients happy. If you resonate with the value map, great. But once in, you’re expected to commit to growing, finding a way to fit and work to develop the cross-section of your personal desires and how to employ them in the organization.

Team DevriX at WordCamp Sofia

Embrace the DevriX life

Once you’ve passed the interview, you’re officially ready to join the family! You have our full and indisputable blessing to be an equal member of our team, enjoying time with everyone, developing friendships through common interests, and making the most out of the time together. It takes two for a dance, and as we want to do the most in making you feel integrated, you should proactively find the best way to fit in depending on your temperament, interests, or hobbies. We expect to be working together for years to come - so let’s connect through as many ways as possible. If you feel uncertain, indicate and we’ll work it out.

want to do the most in making you feel integrated, you should proactively find the best way to fit in depending on your temperament, interests, or hobbies. We expect to be working together for years to come - so let’s connect through as many ways as possible. If you feel uncertain, indicate and we’ll work it out.

Celebrate victories together

Whatever we achieve, it’s teamwork. Closing clients is only possible thanks to success stories through the entire team. Hiring new colleagues means we’re a respectable member of the local community. Our reputation precedes us, and we work hard on winning positive karma points as we can. No matter if this is live or online, in a party or an email thread, in the heat of deploy or in a weekend offtopic conversation, we appreciate and respect one another and acknowledge every team victory as a personal win.

positive karma points as we can. No matter if this is live or online, in a party or an email thread, in the heat of deploy or in a weekend offtopic conversation, we appreciate and respect one another and acknowledge every team victory as a personal win.

Let leadership help you

The company chart is fairly flat and while you technically have a supervisor, you’re likely working in the same room or sharing the same day-to-day responsibilities. Some of us have spent longer around to learn the ropes, figure out what works and what doesn’t, and develop an internal framework that enables us to be more efficient and better at what we do. If you still feel there are gaps to fill, let the leadership team know! Communication is paramount to success and we share the same goal at the end. Leave presumptions behind and don’t try to burden yourself with everything. We will always work together to help you grow and fit in as long as we’re all on the same page.

at what we do. If you still feel there are gaps to fill, let the leadership team know! Communication is paramount to success and we share the same goal at the end. Leave presumptions behind and don’t try to burden yourself with everything. We will always work together to help you grow and fit in as long as we’re all on the same page.

Always make an impact

ROI is a key factor to success in every area of life and work. Whatever activity you undertake, ask yourself: does this make an impact? Is there a higher profile purpose I can accomplish? Is this the best application of my time at the time? To feel accomplished at the end of the week, you need to hit as many wins as possible - regardless of whether that’s a complex feature, covering for a missing colleague, helping out an intern, documenting the process for future generations. Be a wise citizen of DevriX who values their time and aims for multiple wins at a time.

you need to hit as many wins as possible - regardless of whether that’s a complex feature, covering for a missing colleague, helping out an intern, documenting the process for future generations. Be a wise citizen of DevriX who values their time and aims for multiple wins at a time.

Own Accountability

DevriXians rock

We take responsibilities to heart and own initiatives because this is the mature and professional way to operate among others.

Team spirit is important – and leading the way by solving problems and claiming ownership over initiatives is the only way to delegate responsibility and “divide and conquer”.

Muster extreme ownership

Accountability is all about responsibility, and you can’t master responsibility entirely without extreme ownership. The philosophy of extreme ownership is embodied in the way US Navy SEALs operate - and revolves around taking 100% responsibility for owning one initiative from start to end. Assess risks ahead of time and indicate any time a problem is present. Manage stakeholders and collaborate across teams. Once you take over, you are in charge - and the captain of the ship does whatever it takes to get the job done. With a lot of moving wheels, excuses are easy - but learning to take full responsibility will absolutely turn your life around and put you on the track to success.

a problem is present. Manage stakeholders and collaborate across teams. Once you take over, you are in charge - and the captain of the ship does whatever it takes to get the job done. With a lot of moving wheels, excuses are easy - but learning to take full responsibility will absolutely turn your life around and put you on the track to success.

Become a go-to rockstar

Real rockstars are leaders, mentors, coaches, friends. Nurture your skills and adapt your style in a way that excites everyone to work with you. Even interns and entry-level DevriXians can own an initiative and fully offload colleagues, or support the mission through motivation, commitment, and devotion. Use this metric as a guiding star for ease of communication, reliability, consistency, ticking deadlines, and more.

offload colleagues, or support the mission through motivation, commitment, and devotion. Use this metric as a guiding star for ease of communication, reliability, consistency, ticking deadlines, and more.

Cross every tick

One core pillar of accountability is getting the job done 100%. Leaving stones unturned, not reading the full description 100%, ignoring requirements, skipping newsletters, forgetting to check out or submit a time tracker report (business as usual) is an immediate flag for lack of attention to detail. Great teammates fully immerse in what needs to get done and implement the systems to ensure that nothing gets ignored or forgotten. Requesting a review and a double-check (or even triple-check), grammar edits, or incurring lots of back-and-forths is a worrisome indicator of reliability and consistency.

fully immerse in what needs to get done and implement the systems to ensure that nothing gets ignored or forgotten. Requesting a review and a double-check (or even triple-check), grammar edits, or incurring lots of back-and-forths is a worrisome indicator of reliability and consistency.

Outcompete yourself

Strive to become an exemplary model not just at work but in your life. Highly organized and committed individuals don’t behave differently at home, with their families and friends, and while on a break. Ownership and responsibility are traits of your lifestyle, and passing the bar turns you into a superhuman in itself. Always strive to keep a high bar and be an example for others by becoming better and striving for undertaking more over time in order to progress consistently.

and passing the bar turns you into a superhuman in itself. Always strive to keep a high bar and be an example for others by becoming better and striving for undertaking more over time in order to progress consistently.

Evolve And Adapt

DevriXians are creative beasts.

We are frequently involved with non-traditional business problems that require innovative solutions. Staying on top of industry trends is important, and we pride ourselves on keeping a high bar for everyone.

Think in MVPs

Effective teams get a LOT done together, and this is achieved through smart plans iterated weekly. Think of every initiative in the same fashion of MVPs (“Minimum Viable Products”). What’s the best and fastest way to validate a concept? How to build a proof of concept before growing further? Can I mock this for a client before a fully-fledged design? Should we run a boilerplate report before we polish it all? Learning to think in MVPs is a practical hack that will develop your skills horizontally.

of concept before growing further? Can I mock this for a client before a fully-fledged design? Should we run a boilerplate report before we polish it all? Learning to think in MVPs is a practical hack that will develop your skills horizontally.

Stay sharp and agile

Don’t get stuck on the same set of paradigms. Be ready to experiment, learn new skills, test out new processes. Figure out how to reverse-engineer a process to the fundamentals, or the “First principles”. Apply the skills you’ve learned in a new environment and take them from there. Leverage what you have and grow in a complementary skill. Stay on top of your game and ready to evolve and adapt to new circumstances, projects, business requirements, team environments.

Leverage what you have and grow in a complementary skill. Stay on top of your game and ready to evolve and adapt to new circumstances, projects, business requirements, team environments.

Don't get complacent

Beware of becoming complacent - on a project, with your team, or through your own skills. DevriX prides itself on delivering outstanding results for international clients, and this is only possible by staying on top of the industry trends, following the 3S pillars (stability, security and speed), interacting efficiently and paying attention to detail. What works today may fail tomorrow. How a client communicates may not translate to a different client or partner. Rely on existing skills but be open to learning, ready to pivot, eager to grow at any opportunity.

interacting efficiently and paying attention to detail. What works today may fail tomorrow. How a client communicates may not translate to a different client or partner. Rely on existing skills but be open to learning, ready to pivot, eager to grow at any opportunity.

Enjoy the roller coaster

DevriX is a special adventure in itself. From hardcore work seasons to unexpected gaps while waiting for clients. From the rush before a project launch through the satisfaction of receiving a “thank you” note from a top brand. Between the adrenaline rush of deploying with thousands of people online and the pleasure of seeing revenue grow, there’s a ton going on. Agency work is absolutely crazy at times, but that’s what keeps us alive and helps us thrive in good times and bad.

rush of deploying with thousands of people online and the pleasure of seeing revenue grow, there’s a ton going on. Agency work is absolutely crazy at times, but that’s what keeps us alive and helps us thrive in good times and bad.

Burn With Passion

DevriX is not a regular day job.

We spend the time to hack around together and solve problems as teams, and frequently undertake more responsibilities than realistically possible. In the grand scheme of things, we want to be better human beings and work hard to become better professionals and exemplary leaders within our corresponding communities.

Genuinely love your craft

Don’t work a job you hate. We, DevriXians, pride ourselves on what we do for a living and are not shy of sharing our battle stories when an opportunity presents itself. Whatever we do, we aim for the top 1% in our craft. We are healthy competitive and eager to hit goals, achieve wins, learn more, satisfy clients, close new leads, celebrate anniversaries with older clients, push for innovative techniques, advocate for digital improvements across our professions. We love what we do and DevriX would not exist without this paradigm.

Build your own happiness

As with every family, we share the same values yet each of us is unique. We go through ups and downs, and life happens in between. But in the spirit of growth, we want to maximize opportunities, learn together, progress together. Find out what works for you and what makes you happy. Consider your own growth plans and think about the best ways to align them with your day-to-day. Let’s push together in making the best for each other individually, our team as a community, our wonderful clients, and future DevriXians.

Preach the core values

Our core values are the secret sauce of what makes DevriX a special place in the world. Everyone is expected to live and preach the values of the company - and they are embodied in every process from recruitment through feedback plans to opportunities for promotion and growth. Living these principles is the best way to feel valued and keep progressing further in our family.

Become a better self

Work is work and delivering outstanding results is how we all get paid. But most of all, we are humans - and becoming a better version of ourselves is an integral part of thriving together. Whether it’s adopting new healthy or sports habits, joining a course, learning to meditate in the morning, teaching a class, supporting a charity - we care about making a difference in the world outside or throughout our day jobs. We’ve been through a lot during our journey, got older but wiser, learned a ton while keeping our egos in check. Personal development is derived from professional wins (and the other way around).

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