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How to Use Quora for Business in 2024?

How to Use Quora for Business in 2024

Companies are always looking for new ways to grow their business, acquire new audiences, and generate more revenue.

Presenting Quora. It is a platform that currently has over 400 million monthly active users, and 148 million of them are based in the United States. Although Quora is essentially a platform for questions and answers, that does not mean it cannot be used for business.

In fact, Quora for business can be quite beneficial, especially in terms of conversions. What is more, in recent months, and particularly due to Google’s latest algorithm updates, Quora, along with Reddit, have seen a huge increase in traffic, and top 10 SERP positions.

Join us today, as we will be outlining the main ways of using the platform so that you get the most out of it, and discuss why it has become so popular.

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How to Use Quora for Business: 4 Essential Tips

How to Use Quora for Business_ 4 Essential Tips

  1. Write a Compelling Bio
  2. Prepare a List of Keywords
  3. Optimize Your Answers With Visual Content
  4. Answer Questions With a Huge Following

1. Write a Compelling Bio

Your own Quora business account should be inspiring. Just like any other social media, a well-crafted profile will make you stand out. One very important aspect, in particular, is your bio.

When people read your answers, the first thing they are likely to do is open your profile. There, you want to impress them, grab their attention, and present yourself as an expert.

Here is a great example from the Quora Profile of Mario Peshev, CEO of DevriX:

As you can see, the bio is well-written, backed up with relevant stats, and tells the story of his business experience. In addition, there are a few important links, and some of the main keywords are bolded for extra emphasis.

Of course, you can embrace other styles of writing your bio, such as using bullet points to highlight your skills or to project a more humorous approach. It’s all good, as long as it’s memorable and engaging.

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2. Prepare a List of Keywords

If you are serious about developing your business on the platform, it is a good idea to prepare a list of keywords you want to target. Even a keyword tool like Semrush can give you some benefits. Sure, you should always look to add value to your content, however, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t aim to optimize your answers.

You should also never spam posts, or provide just any sort of quality, just for the sake of posting. The same goes for being overly promotional or pushing your products/services onto readers.

In fact, it will probably backfire on you, and perhaps even get you banned from Quora altogether.

The best approach you can take is to be authentic. Use keywords, but only when they fit naturally, and stay true to yourself.

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3. Optimize Your Answers With Visual Content

The cool thing about Quora is that you can enhance your answers with visual content, like images and video, add quotations, and even embed tweets.

Adding nice visuals can definitely help your answers stand out, and improve image search SEO, however, be cautious not to overuse them. Using too many images or videos in a single message can have the opposite effect, encouraging readers to scroll past, and lose focus.

Limit yourself to a few images and videos per post, but make sure they are captivating and of the highest quality.

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4. Answer Questions With a Huge Following

Sure, you can answer questions without paying attention to how many followers it has. Yet, this can be very time-consuming, and will most likely not bring about the desired results. Replying to the newest questions is always 50-50, and you’ll never quite know which of them will grow afterward.

Instead, a much more effective approach would be to choose the questions you answer. In particular, reply to those that have a good following, a few thousand views, since they can potentially bring you more traffic.

Additionally, you can use Quora topics – there are thousands of them on the platform, and each has its own page.

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Why Use Quora for Business?

Why Use Quora for Business

  1. You Can Get Ranked on Google
  2. It Can Generate High-Quality Leads and Website Traffic
  3. Brand Awareness and Thought Leadership Will Increase
  4. It Showcases Your Expertise

1. You Can Get Ranked on Google

Did you know that you can use Quora for SEO? That’s right. Posting well-written and optimized content on Quora can also help you rank well on Google and other search engines.

Quora is prominently featured on a lot of search engine results pages, and especially after Google’s Helpful Content Update, it has seemingly been displayed more and more.

The main reason behind this is the user-generated content, which many people seem to prefer, feels more “real”, compared to corporate posts.

This has become a real topic for debate among international SEO companies, marketers, and SEO specialists, with some arguing that Google prioritizes results from Quora and Reddit, due to them being unique with share-worthy personal experiences that demonstrate expertise and trustworthiness.

Of course, while the latter is questionable, it is undeniable that both sites have a large following, great incoming traffic, low bounce rates, and a high average session duration. All of which are positive signals for Google.

Ultimately, this type of ranking system is still rather new, and a lot of people think that Google will eventually stop prioritizing these sites so much. However, right now, the fact is that Quora and Reddit posts rank well, and increased traffic is a viable strategy.

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2. It Can Generate High-Quality Leads and Website Traffic

As we already shared, Quora has 400+ million active users every month, which means that you can easily direct traffic to your website.

On top of that, said traffic would be of higher quality, since users that go to your site through Quora already have a reason to trust you. This could respectively generate qualified leads, as well.

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3. Brand Awareness and Thought Leadership Will Increase

Bettering your brand awareness is not something you should neglect. You see, brand awareness makes sure that people recognize your company, and its products or services.

Similarly, thought leadership positions yourself or your organization as an expert in your field. This also deems you to be more trustworthy in the eyes of users.

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4. It Showcases Your Expertise

Demonstrating real expertise can offer many benefits for your business. One of them is boosting your company’s reputation, another one is the ability to attract and retain high-quality employees.

The expertise you showcase can also help you stand out from your competitors, and establish trust, loyalty, and credibility.

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Using Quora for business can be a rewarding and time-worthy endeavor. After reading our article, you should be aware of how and why to use Quora.

Truth be told, you will probably need to take some time and carefully consider which questions would be best to answer, to highlight your expertise.

Last but not least, don’t forget that we, at DevriX, can help you take your digital presence to the next level. Don’t be shy, you can contact us right away.