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Are Your Ecommerce Marketing Strategies Working? [Infographic]

Are Your Ecommerce Marketing Strategies Working@2x

If you remember even 10 years ago, the nature of selling things, be it products or services, has radically changed. It’s not enough just for the internet to know that you do, in fact, sell something; now the internet (and consumers) want to know that you offer products or services, and they want to be able to purchase them, often immediately.

They also want their e-commerce customer service to change, with that same instant nature of ordering to apply to questions or concerns they might have.

If you’ve been ahead of the trend, then kudos to you. You’re probably already reaping the rewards of e-commerce sales and connections with customers that you never even thought about reaching before the internet.

But if you haven’t quite gotten behind the e-commerce trend, or are confused and dismayed at what to do, take a deep breath: You can catch up. But it involves immersing yourself on what your e-commerce marketing strategy should be.

For starters, of course, you need to figure out who your target audience is. You might have a couple of different personas that are important to your e-commerce business, and that’s OK. You also need to take a laser look at what your competitors are doing.

How do they market to their customers?

What does their internet presence look like, as well as their social media outreach?

All must figure into the equation as you develop an e-commerce strategy that’s geared toward your needs. This graphic can help guide you to where you need to be.

Build an Effective Ecommerce Marketing Strategy

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