Supporting continuous education and practical training is a core DevriX value. All DevriXians are encouraged daily to improve their skills, share their knowledge and excel in whatever they choose to do.
Our company has its own internal Wiki where we can record our know-how and save our priceless resources, channels in Slack for sharing tips and links, a weekly internal newsletter with interesting web articles, and regular workshops that have a practical edge. Furthermore, we have several teammates who are prominent speakers at conferences and teach at universities and high schools.
Internships at DevriX
Our endeavors to educate and support talent go beyond the DevriX team. Every summer students from 11th and 12th grade at Technology School “Electronic Systems” associated with Technical University – Sofia cross our threshold to start their professional experience as interns. Students from other high schools are also welcome to apply.
These young talents are given the opportunity to be part of the DevriX team for two weeks and learn from the best in the company. They are also mentored about their career development and take part in all internal educational initiatives.
DevriX honoring interns with certificates
Why Join DevriX Internship Program?
DevriX’s Internship program is managed by our senior staff. Students are immersed into the vast world of WordPress CMS and work on real-life projects. They get to practice writing in PHP, use DevriX internal tools and software like Slack, Git and Asana. They also learn how to be part of a WordPress design and development team, manage workflows and allocate tasks, and be leaders.
What we offer:
- High-quality training in WordPress design, front-end and back-end development and QA
- A personally assigned high-skilled trainer and mentor who is available 24/7.
- The opportunity to complete a real-life digital project. At the end of the internship, the project is presented to the team to receive valuable feedback
- Opportunity to try out different jobs, tasks, and roles through assigned projects so that you find your best place in the digital world
- Participation in all DevriX workshops
- Inside access to DevriX: videos, tutorials, recorded workshops, internal project documentation, etc.
- A friendly working atmosphere and your own workspace at DevriX
- Opportunity to be part of DevriX team and receive valuable advice towards your future growth
- Free snacks and coffee – yes, that’s our “fuel” which we turn into code
DevriX office fun – the signs
- And last but most important of all:
After successfully completing your internship,
you have the opportunity to get a paid job at DevriX.
How Did the 2019 Internships Go?
This year DevriX welcomed two new interns: Ivan Badikov and Ivan Viyachki, both students at ELSYS. After meeting the team, they had a brain-storming session to decide what type of project they would build during the program. This year their choice was a WordPress plugin for sharing ideas between friends and groups with the possibility of planning and voting.
At the end of the training program, the interns presented a live demo version of their project and were rewarded with special DevriX Certificates for successfully completing their internships.
The Trainer
In 2019, the trainer and mentor for DevriX interns was Vladimir Vassilev, Senior Backend Developer and project owner of several strategic accounts. He did his best to motivate and involve the interns in innovative projects.
As a WordPress evangelist, Vladi is one of the very best WP trainers you can ever have. He is also a well known WordCamp speaker and translation teams organizer, highly appreciated in the WordPress community for his devoted contribution work.
DevriX Internships Trainer Vladimir Vassilev
Here is a short interview with the trainer and both interns about their joint adventure:
Vladi, how was your experience this year as the interns’ mentor?
Vladi: Leading the internship program with ELSYS students is always a very rewarding experience for me. This year I was pleasantly surprised they chose the most difficult project to work on. Despite the limited time, I can proudly say that we managed to complete a Minimum Viable Product for the selected idea.
And guys, what can you say about your trainer?
Ivan Viyachki: “I’d had previous internship experience, but for the first time there was a person available all the time, to teach and answer all my questions.”
The 2019 interns with CEO Mario Peshev and trainer Vladi Vassilev
Ivan Badikov: “He is a true master in his work. What impressed me most was his friendly attitude and his willingness to answer any question as well as closely guide us in our tasks.”
How would you describe working at DevriX office to your friends?
Ivan Viyachki: “The office is a bit unconventional – there is this long corridor with scooters and Mara the Beast occasionally running along it. I liked the welcoming and casual atmosphere the most. DevriX team is like a group of friends who have come together to do some work, which is great. Everyone is smiling and positive.”
What did you learn?
Ivan Badikov: “Certainly a lot of new things. I’d had no previous experience in PHP and WordPress. And I learned how to work with them, it was extremely interesting to me.”
Ivan Viyachki – the 2019 intern, who was hired on a full-time job
Would you consider working at DevriX full-time?
Ivan Viyachki: “Absolutely! Mostly because I liked the team spirit and the opportunities I got. I also feel motivated to do more with WordPress and PHP.“
Interns Success Stories
It was a wish come true for Ivan Viyachki – he is a DevriXian now, a part of our big happy family. A year before, we welcomed Emil Docev as an intern and he has been on a full-time developer job for over a year now. Here is what these guys have to say about it:
Emil Docev: “I started at DevriX as an intern when I was 17 and right after those two weeks, I got the opportunity to join the company full time. It’s been a year and a half now, I’ve learned a good bunch of things since then: not only programming-wise but personal and organizational skills that cannot be learned at school or at university. I feel grateful and look forward to continuing to grow and excel together!”
Ivan Viyachki: “The internship was very beneficial for learning new stuff – like PHP and WordPress. I immersed myself in the work process and had fun. So when I was offered a paid job, it was an easy decision. The whole team has been really cool and helps me out in every situation. Continuous, everyday learning is really a major advantage at DevriX.”
- Read more about DevriX’s cooperation with ELSYS