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11 Landing Page Optimization Tips to Try Today

11 Landing Page Optimization Tips to Try Today

The goal of a landing page is to convert your website visitors into customers. Ultimately, that’s what every online business aims to achieve – to get as many customers as possible.

The question is: how do you create landing pages that would attract users and make them want to become your clients?

Today, we analyze some of the most useful landing page optimization tips – so get your coffee, sit down comfortably and let’s get started.

Landing Page Optimization Tips for Better Conversions

Landing Page Optimization Tips for Better Conversions

  1. Keep it simple.
  2. Present a clear offer.
  3. Experiment.
  4. Consistent branding.
  5. Add testimonials.
  6. Perform A/B testing.
  7. Provide contact information.
  8. Ensure fast-loading time.
  9. Do SEO for your landing page.
  10. Include a couple of CTAs.
  11. Create scarcity.

1. Keep It Simple

Minimalists believe that less is more, and a lot of times, that’s true. In terms of landing pages, you should definitely try to keep it as simple as possible, and avoid overloading readers with large swathes of text.

It’s not a novel you’re writing, you shouldn’t include hundreds of words. Instead, try to add only what’s essential, and leave all the rest for other pages on your website.

2. Present a Clear Offer

One of the most important rules on how to optimize a landing page is to present a clear offer that visitors will immediately understand. There shouldn’t be any room for questions. If readers don’t know what your proposition is, they will most likely leave your website.

Pick your wording wisely by choosing words that directly address the needs of your visitors. This could result in a direct correlation between higher conversion rates and lower bounce rates.

3. Experiment

Experimentation brings innovation. There’s nothing wrong with experimenting with various types of media, for example, or trying out different call-to-action buttons to find out what works best for you.

Furthermore, a lot of companies have experimented with video landing pages, and video can actually improve conversion rates by up to 86%.

Of course, whatever you decide to try out, must be delivered with high quality and great value. Uploading a low-resolution video will not impress visitors, in fact, it could have quite the opposite effect.

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4. Consistent Branding

The landing page is a part of your website, and as such, it must have the same style as the rest of it. Keeping consistent branding across your site, especially design-wise, is crucial – it can actually be the reason behind higher conversion rates.

Don’t change the colors and typography too much, and make sure that the visual design looks similar, in general. You wouldn’t want users feeling like they’ve visited two separate websites.

5. Add Testimonials

The social proof factor really counts. It shows that other people and businesses have already used your services or products, and are happy with the results. Customer testimonials can help the decision-making process of users who are still uncertain about using your services.

Testimonials could come in two main forms – video and quotes, with the former being, as we mentioned, much more effective. It’s easy to understand why: if a customer is willing to record a video recommendation for your business, it means they are really satisfied with it.

6. Perform A/B Testing

Various methods of user testing exist. One of the most common ones is A/B testing, in which you divide users into groups and present different versions of your page to see which one provides the best user experience, and what works best for users, ultimately.

If you don’t conduct A/B testing beforehand, you might end up regretting that decision later.

Simply put, don’t be this guy:

Perform AB Testing

7. Provide Contact Information

Always be sure to include contact information, and if possible, provide multiple avenues – email, phone number, social media channels, etc.

First, this adds that feeling of legitimacy, as users have the opportunity to reach out to real people on the other side of the screen. Secondly, this way you give options to people who, for example, don’t feel comfortable communicating over the phone, or specifically prefer one type of communication over another.

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8. Ensure Fast-Loading Times

Speeding up your website is crucial to online marketing. After all, your landing page might be awesome, however, if it takes too long to load, customers won’t stay around to see it.

Needless to say, always make sure your entire website loads within a timely manner – ideally, between 2 and 5 seconds. Nothing else will matter (Metallica reference intended), if your page is too slow.

This is something entirely within your control, so don’t wait til customers get frustrated to fix it.

9. Do SEO for Your Landing Page

Search engine optimization is extremely important. Most users will find your landing page through an organic search, so you must do your best to optimize it. Research and use the proper keywords, which you want to rank for.

Include the keywords you’ve selected in your headline, text, meta description, image alt text, etc. Of course, don’t just spam your keywords, try to include them naturally and strategically.

10. Include a Couple of CTAs

Call-to-action buttons are one of the essential elements of landing pages. Thus, you should always aim to craft CTA buttons that will have the most effect on users. Your call to action should be clear, obvious, and concise.

The practices that work the best feature simple, yet effective language, like “Try now”, “Download here”, “Try for free”, etc.

Avoid using complex language, since it could be hard to understand for some, and therefore will not allow you to reach the full potential of your message.

11. Create Scarcity

One of the most common marketing strategies is to offer a “limited time only offer”. There’s a reason why this is so effective. You see, when potential customers see such a message, they’re driven to act fast, because they could miss out otherwise.

There are a couple of ways you can create scarcity. For example, you can insert a real-time countdown timer, the first X purchase to receive a special offer, and so on.

The goal is, however, not to lie to consumers, but rather deliver what you’ve promised within the defined rules. Don’t say an offer is limited to the first fifty customers, and then go on to offer the same deal to everyone else.


Landing page optimization might be a bit tricky at first. You need to test, experiment, and try out different versions of the page, in order to find out what works best for you.

Once you get a grip on everything, there are no limits to what you can do. Follow our advice, and those visitors will most likely turn into returning customers.

Know of any other techniques to help optimize a landing page? Let us know in the comments.