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How to Create a HubSpot Newsletter (Screenshots Included)

How to Create an HubSpot Newsletter (Screenshots Included)

HubSpot is a leading software company that develops CRM software, sales, and marketing platforms, and customer service tools.

Wanna know the best part? A lot of the company’s technologies are completely free to use, including those meant for – customer support, landing pages, ads management, and email marketing.

That’s right, starting a HubSpot newsletter is free, so anyone can use it, and, you guessed it – that is what we will discuss today.

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How to Create a HubSpot Newsletter: 7 Essential Steps

How to Create a HubSpot Newsletter_ 7 Essential Steps

  1. Pick a Newsletter Tool
  2. Define the Goal of Your Newsletter
  3. Choose a Template
  4. Add Content and Personalize
  5. Set the Subject Line and Sender Name
  6. Test Out Browsers and Email Providers
  7. Send, Analyze, Improve

1. Pick a Newsletter Tool

The first thing to do is decide which newsletter tool you want to use. Sure, there is quite a lot of email software for you to choose from, including Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and GetResponse, however today we are focusing on HubSpot.

Starting a HubSpot email newsletter is quite straightforward. It only takes a minute to create an account and from there you can start setting up your account with options like importing your contacts and creating your first email.

Still, we suggest you leave that for later. There are other, more important possibilities to explore first.

Pick a Newsletter Tool

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2. Define the Goal of Your Newsletter

You can always just write an email and send it to people, but have you thought about the goal of the message?

Consider how your newsletter will fit your overall content marketing strategy and long-term business objectives. For example, some common goals are driving traffic to your website, generating leads, or promoting your new products/services.

Also, you might want to set higher goals for the newsletter than “how many people have opened the email”, since that doesn’t matter.

Of course, email open rates can indicate the success or failure of your copy, but other than that, they don’t align with your business goals.

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3. Choose a Template

Alright, so you’ve established what you want to accomplish. Now, it’s time to choose a template from the ones available. Eight HubSpot newsletter templates are free, while the rest require the Premium version of the tool.

Choose a Template

Keep in mind that each template has many customization options, so you can basically fine-tune it to your liking.

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4. Add Content and Personalize

Now, probably the most important part of an email is the actual content. You most definitely should spend some time on your copy, and adjust it accordingly to the audience who will be receiving it.

If you haven’t defined your goals beforehand, you might not be sure what to include. Knowing your target audience is also important so that you can better personalize your message.

Personalized emails build trust, increase sales, and generate more leads. Additionally, you should keep your content short and sweet.

Somewhere between 50 and 125 words is the ideal length, they also have the highest response rates, according to studies.

However, for 28% of people, the length of the email is irrelevant if the content is personalized. It is not always the total number of words, but rather the effort of your appeal.

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5. Set the Subject Line and Sender Name

In order to make a newsletter stand out, you need to think about the subject line and the name of the sender.

To show you how important it is to write a good subject line, here are a few facts:

  • 47% of email recipients decide whether to open an email based on the subject line alone.
  • Emails that contain the name of the recipient in the subject line have an open rate of 18.30%, compared to 15.70% when the name is not in the subject line.
  • Mentioning the word “Free” in the subject line increases the open rate by 10%.

Still not convinced how important the subject line is? Try it out yourself – send different versions of the same email with various subject lines and see which one performs better.

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6. Test Out Browsers and Email Providers

People use different email providers and browsers such as Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Mozilla Thunderbird, and GMX, and they don’t all display the same way.

What is more, those emails appear differently not only on search engines such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Brave. And through different devices like smartphones, PCs, tablets, laptops…

While it sounds like a lot of work to test out all of them in all these scenarios, it’s possible to narrow them down by defining the psychographic profile of your users. This will help you understand your users’ preferences better so that this type of filtering can become much more manageable.

The good news is that HubSpot has an integrated preview in their newsletter tool, which makes testing out providers and email previews easier.

7. Send, Analyze, Improve

Now that you have set up all the essentials, you can start sending emails and drive your email campaigns forward. After a few days, you should check the performance of your email and analyze what you can do better.

You can gain access to some insights like open rates and click rates directly from the HubSpot dashboard:

Send, Analyze, Improve

The Analyze and Health tabs also show you metrics like hard Bounce, Unsubscribes, Spam Reports, and so on.

Keep in mind that there is always room for improvement. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t nail it from the first, or even from the tenth time.

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Final Thoughts

Emails are a crucial part of any marketing strategy. The real challenge though is to define your marketing and business objectives and then align your email marketing with them. Thankfully, with HubSpot, this is quite easy to do.

Sure, HubSpot makes creating and sending newsletters simpler. However, that does not mean that it will do everything for you. You still need to do the proper research, observe how your emails are performing, and make the required changes.

Last but not least, don’t forget that you are not alone. In case you need assistance with your digital marketing, DevriX is here for you. Together, we can take your business to the next level, where only the sky is the limit.

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