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Repurposing Content in 2024: A Fresh Guide with AI Assistance

Repurposing Content in 2023_ A Fresh Guide with AI Assistance 

Gone are the days when a single piece of content would bring in the tons of views and engagement on social media. Today’s oversaturated online landscape calls for constant creativity and output from marketers and brands.

It’s simply not sustainable to continually churn out new and original content. This is where repurposing existing assets comes in handy. By giving old content new life across different formats and platforms, brands can maximize their content efforts efficiently.

In this upbeat guide, we’ll explore the basics of repurposing content with AI assistance. From turning blog posts into video scripts to generating social snippets from blog posts and ebooks, you’ll find fresh ideas. That breathes new life into your content library! .

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How Repurposing Content Can Maximize Your Content’s Value

There are many benefits to giving your quality content new life by publishing it in different formats and platforms:

  • It saves time. Repurposing saves time since you don’t have to create brand new content from scratch every time.
  • Increases reach and visibility. Turning a whitepaper into a series of LinkedIn posts gets your content in front of your extended network.
  • It improves SEO. Repurposing or updating content creates fresh pages and URLs search engines can index, improving SEO. For instance, an ebook could be broken up into several blog posts.
  • Consistency. By reusing content, you keep your messaging consistent. It also helps build credibility and authority. Readers come to rely on your videos, podcasts, and more.
  • Allows for experimentation. Trying new formats with existing content keeps things fresh and engaging. Short social posts reach different users than long-form blog content.
  • It can generate more leads. Recycling content means that most likely new people will interact with your new content. This generates new leads and conversions. For instance a webinar turned gated content grabs new emails.
  • Extends its shelf life. Giving older evergreen content new life extends its useful lifespan and the value you gain from it. You maximize your content’s work for your brand.
  • Maximizes resources. Content repurposing helps maximize the resources invested in creating your assets.

How Repurposing Content Can Maximize Your Content’s Value

How to Repurpose Content: The Basics

While the use of repurpose AI tools may be relatively new, the underlying process is not. It is based on fundamental types:

  • Reformatting. Take longer content and reformat it as a short infographic, slide presentation, or executive summary.
  • Recontextualizing. Look at the content you’ve already created through a new lens. For instance, an industry trends report for up and coming fabrics could be become a checklist for a new vintage clothing line that uses organic materials.
  • Expanding. Add an existing piece of content to a new asset. Turn a blog post into a guide by expanding on each section. Use quotes from an interview to create a case study.
  • Segmenting. Break content into smaller chunks that can stand alone. Turn chapters of an ebook into individual blog posts. Feature sections of a report as standalone infographics.
  • Repackaging. Combine various content formats into something new. Compile webinars, articles, and Q&As into an ebook, for example.

Repurposing vs. Redistributing vs. Refreshing

The terms repurposing, redistributing, and refreshing are often used interchangeably. However, while they share a fundamental purpose, they are distinct strategies.

  • Repurposing involves taking existing content and reformatting it for a new purpose or audience. The core information stays the same but the presentation changes.
  • Redistributing means sharing or promoting content in its original form through new channels.
  • Refreshing content involves updating and enhancing existing assets. This may include adding new statistics and examples to an outdated blog post or recording a new version of an outdated video. The core content remains intact but is made fresh and relevant again.

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How Repurpose AI Tools Can Help

The advent of AI has dramatically changed the content creation landscape. New tools help streamline and scale content production, saving creators time and money. Here is how:

Social Media Posts From Blog Posts

There are plenty of AI content creation tools that can summarize articles and longer formats and split it into bite size social media posts. The most popular choice is GhatGPT, but there are many more such as Jasper,, Sudo Write, Writer, Rytr.

Images and Videos From Text

Rather than creating videos from scratch, tools like Pictory enable efficient video content creation by using AI to reformat existing text. The AI can analyze your text, pick out the most impactful summary sentences, and repurposes it into a compelling social video.

Same for AI-generated images. Rather than relying on generic stock photos, AI can now generate custom images specific to your needs. Canva’s drag-and-drop editor integrates a free AI image generator that allows you to create unique visuals on the fly. You can also try tools such as DALL-E and Midjourney.

Turn Audio Into Audiograms

Audiograms are a key part of any social media strategy, whether you want to highlight the best moments or build excitement for upcoming episodes.

Wavve’s Smart Highlight AI makes it easy by automatically identifying important audio clips. You can then easily create engaging audiograms with animations and captions. Melobytes and Steve.AI are two more examples of such tools.

Turn Video Into Snippets for Social Media

Editing a long YouTube video into short clips for social media normally requires hours of work. However, AI-powered repurposing tools like can automatically slice up and schedule for Instagram and Tik-Tok videos in minutes.

Other options like Wibbitz and Biteable leverage AI to scan footage, identify key moments, and quickly generate polished social media clips.

Turn Video Into Snippets for Social Media

5 Steps of Content Repurposing Workflow with AI Assistance

The key to successfully repurposing is using AI to streamline and automate at scale while maintaining your brand’s original voice and consistency across social platforms.

  1. Identify existing content assets to repurpose such as blog posts, ebooks, videos, etc. Focus on evergreen, popular content that has performed well or has potential to resonate across platforms. Look for content that covers topics relevant to your audience.
  2. Use an AI content creator like Jasper to summarize key points from longer form content into short social media posts of 240 characters or less. Make sure to keep the main message and tone consistent. Take advantage of AI to quickly create snappy, compelling posts.
  3. Create visual social media assets like infographics, stats images, and quote graphics using content creation tools like Canva. Pull powerful quotes, data, and images from original content to make engaging graphics. Use on-brand fonts, colors, and designs.
  4. Turn written content into snackable video clips under 60 seconds for Instagram and TikTok using an AI video creator like Clipchamp. Use text-to-speech if needed. Focus on turning blog posts and ebooks into dynamic videos optimized for mobile viewing.
  5. Optimize meta descriptions and titles for each platform using AI optimizers like to highlight key benefits and incite clicks. Research keywords and customize messaging for each channel’s audience.
  6. Promote the repurposed content across platforms using an AI social media manager like Buffer to reuse content efficiently. Schedule relevant content for ideal times.

5 Steps of Content Repurposing Workflow with AI Assistance

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Wrap Up

Repurposing content by using AI tools to reformat, summarize, and enhance existing content, marketers can keep feeds fresh and engaging without starting from scratch. When executed strategically, repurposing through AI systems boosts reach, saves time, and breathes new life into evergreen content. Give it a try!