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8 Key Elements of a SaaS Company Website

SaaS companies should be especially diligent with their websites because their products and services are strictly digital. The website is their online home and the main touchpoint with their customers.

The website, in itself, should be informational, easy to navigate, and clear about the products and services they provide. But it should also help the company stand out, by showcasing its brand identity and values, thus making it memorable and distinguishable from the competition.

So how do you turn an online property into a true home for your SaaS business, one where you can welcome guests and invite them to stay for a while? Well, we’ve analyzed best practices, from our experience, and outlined which ones will help you identify the best design for your company.

Read on to find out what key elements your SaaS company website should consider when bringing in new leads and encourage conversions.

1. Captivating Homepage

The homepage is where the visitors get their first impression of your business. It should be attractive, informational, and give a clear impression of your services.

SaaS products can feel a bit abstract to some people – after all, they are not something you can see or touch, and, in some cases, you don’t even have to download anything. This can be confusing to some. And people rarely waste time trying to decipher confusing websites. If they find it hard to understand what it is that you actually do and what you have to offer, they will most likely just leave and take their business elsewhere.

That’s why it’s vital to take extra care when making your homepage user-friendly. Consider designing it to express your brand’s attitude and be creative, but, at the same time, try making the content easy to understand and avoid information stuffing. The blocks of texts and images should be evenly distributed to provide enough breathing room so visitors can focus on the message.

When landing on it, visitors usually scan the homepage to get a general idea of what the website is about and identify if it has what they are looking for. In order to make it less complicated, a good practice for structuring a SaaS homepage is to provide short and catchy introductions to the basic information. Include details such as who you are and what your product is, followed by links to the more detailed second-level pages.

Core Sections of SaaS Product Website Homepage

Here are the core sections you should consider:

  • Business Statement. Introduce your business, and state your values and goals. The message should be short but informative.
  • What Sets You Apart. State why your company is different than the others out there. There’s no need for the customers to deduce how you stand out from the crowd, you can just tell them.
  • Product Information. Clearly explain what your product is and who can benefit from it. Don’t go into details, provide a simple explanation and a link to your product page. If your product is hard to explain, you can feature a catchy video elaborating on how it works.
  • Awards and Testimonials. Awards and certificates are a great way to show credibility. However, what influences customers’ decisions most and makes you seem reliable are reviews from happy clients.
  • Powerful CTA. Presuming your product is what the visitor is looking for, a powerful call-to-action (CTA) can turn them from prospects into leads. Consider offering a free trial or other resources that can hook the customer and show them the benefits of your product.

The homepage of your SaaS product website should be welcoming, interesting, and informational. It should reflect your business personality and make you stand out.

2. Comprehensible Product Page

The homepage is a nice place to introduce your SaaS product, but you simply cannot (and shouldn’t) stuff all the information there. It can be overwhelming and confusing for visitors even if you structure the content well. What you’ve highlighted on the homepage, should be expanded and elaborated in detail on the product page.

Here you can also include additional videos, infographics, and customer reviews to give you more credibility.

The product page on your website should focus on clarifying some important questions your visitors might have:

Specify Your Buyer Personas

The easiest way for prospects to understand if your SaaS product is what they need, is when you tell them who it is meant for.

List your buyer personas, and provide information about their profiles, such as what companies they work in, what their position is, etc. This will make it easier for clients who are not sure whether your product is a match for their business or not. It will also save time and disappointment for both sides, as it will reduce potential client churn.

Clarify the Product Purpose

Clarify the Product Purpose

What matters the most to customers making purchasing decisions is that the product they’re buying can make their life easier or solve a problem they have.

Use the product page to explain how your SaaS product can fix common pain points and solve issues the buyer personas face.

Also, if you have case studies, this is a great place to feature them, since they will give your statements more credibility.

Highlight Its Unique Properties

It’s a safe bet that people who land on your website will be checking other similar SaaS product pages as well. Highlight what differentiates your product from the rest and what makes it better.

However, try not to exaggerate too much and oversell what you offer, since this can be reflected back on your reputation in the future.

Introduce Its Top Features

Your product’s top features are what users will benefit from the most. Elaborate on how it works so prospects can understand better if it will be useful to them and how it will improve their lives. Try to make the information simple and comprehensible.

Consider using visualizations such as screenshots of the product’s interface or animations displaying different features. This will make the page more engaging and will illustrate your concept better.

3. Subscription Plans, Pricing, and Payment Info

The price is usually a very important factor when people make purchasing decisions. It’s often the first thing they check after they have familiarized themselves with the product.

Since SaaS products and services are usually subscription-based, you should make the information about plans and prices easily accessible on your website and well structured.

If you are providing monthly and yearly subscriptions, you can divide the content into separate pages. Make sure to clarify how the price varies depending on the length and level of the contract. This information can make all the difference to customers when they are exploring their options and deciding whether to stick around or move on.

Also, this page is a good place to feature detailed information about the payment options. Clients often have preferred methods of payment so they will be looking to find if you support that method or not.

Consider providing a link here, leading to the FAQ page with information about payment troubleshooting and account issues.

4. Well-Organized Footer

The footer of your SaaS product website is one of the most important elements below the fold. People are used to looking for information there and this is where they usually go if they find the navigation confusing or if they are looking for something and need quick access.

Organize your footer by topics and feature links to any important pages on your website. You can also feature your contact details or some additional information you’d like to highlight, as well as links to other channels you maintain, such as social media, for example.

5. Relatable About Us Page

SaaS businesses, like all other tech companies, are often blamed for being impersonal and detached from their customers. An About us page telling your story and introducing team members can make you seem more down-to-earth and relatable.

Here are some ideas on how to make the About us page on your website more personal:

  • Share Your Story. You don’t necessarily have to go into details, but sometimes a little sincerity goes a long way. By sharing a personal note on how you decided to embark on your business venture and why you feel your mission is important, you show people that you care about what you do.
    In a market flooded with similar companies, your values and ideas can even become why customers choose you over the competition.
  • Introduce Your Team. Meeting the real people behind a business makes it more personal and relatable. It also shows that you value your teammates as people as well as assets to your company. You can use this page to state your position on diversity and equality, which is a very important subject, and showing a stance on it will matter to many of your clients.
  • Show Your Credentials. Demonstrate your team’s and your company’s professionalism and experience to show customers that you are up to the task. Also, providing proof of your competence is important for your ranking, since expertise is one of the three key factors of Google’s E-A-T regulations.
  • Provide Contacts. Similar to the suggestion above, displaying sufficient contact details is important for your ranking in search engines. By showcasing enough information, you make your website trustworthy, transparent and reliable – to humans and robots alike.

6. FAQ Page and Support

The Help page is a very important element of a SaaS website and can be super useful for both you and your customers. Its leading function is to provide answers and solutions to any issues customers might come across while using your SaaS product.

Essentials of a SaaS Product Help Page

To make it easier for customers to find quick answers, you should consider making a FAQ page where you can organize in one place information such as:

  • User tutorials and manuals
  • Step-by-step guides for solving issues
  • Educational videos
  • Troubleshooting information
  • Account and payment issues
  • Answers to common questions
  • Resources, webinars, and workshops

The page should be easy to find and it’s best to have links to it available at a few key places on your website.

Still, as good as a FAQ page is, not all issues can be fixed. Sometimes, cases are too complex or, quite simply, some people prefer to communicate directly with customer support.

That’s why the Help Page on your SaaS website should also feature information about various ways to contact your support team. You can make the process even more hassle-free and easyby including a walkthrough for customers with preliminary information on what steps the communication consists of.

How to Create an Effective FAQ Page for a SaaS Product

7. Blog

Maintaining a blog is a great way to help your customers out with useful information and increase the traffic to your website. It’s also very important for lead generation, and brand awareness.

The blog posts you publish should be related to your product and your niche and offer solutions to common problems your buyer personas come across. Strategically placing call-to-actions (CTAs) with tempting lead magnets can help you generate new leads, and eventually nurture them into clients.

However, blogs are an inbound strategy that takes a long time to deliver results and requires patience, persistence, and planning. So before you dive into it, make sure that you have the time, expertise, and resources to maintain it.

8. Responsive Design

All websites should be mobile-friendly in order to provide a satisfying user experience and meet the new search engine standards. Most people nowadays spend more time browsing on their mobile devices rather than on a desktop computer. To have a chance to win them over as clients, your website should look equally good on screens of all shapes and sizes.

There are different ways to make a website mobile-friendly, but the smartest and most flexible one is to opt for responsive design.

With responsive design, you don’t need to maintain and optimize two separate versions of your website. You have one website that is built to adapt and rearrange the way content looks and behaves on the page according to the size and shape of the screen.

How Important Is Responsive Design?


A SaaS company website should be well-organized and easy to navigate. Intuitive design, following the steps of the user journey, will make it easier for prospects to find their way around and get to know you better. Combine this with a well-written copy and a sense of your company spirit, and you will be one step ahead of the competition.