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7 B2B Copywriting Tips to Engage and Convert

7 B2B Copywriting Tips to Engage and Convert

What is the most important job in marketing?

Is it the designer that crafts the visuals? Maybe it is the marketing manager that oversees the processes? Perhaps, it is the outreach person that deals with the link-building?

All of those would be correct answers, however, there is one role that defines what marketing is all about. You got it, that is the copywriter.

You see, 77% of all internet users read blogs, and a compelling copy can bring as much as 7.8 times more traffic to your website.

But what about B2B copywriting, you ask?

Things are more or less the same as with any type of copywriting, with just some small, yet significant differences. Let us review them together.

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What Is B2B Copywriting?

B2B (business to business) copywriting is the process of writing content, or copy, which aims to inform other companies about the products or services that your company offers.

In other words, the goal of the business-to-business copywriter is to educate the audience about the company’s products and services via blog posts, white papers, e-books, brochures, and so on.

Of course, as the name suggests, in B2B you are writing for other businesses, while the traditional B2C (business to customer) copywriting intends to get customers interested in your products and/or services.

So, to conclude: B2B vs. B2C copywriting differs mainly in the audience you are writing for. The target audience does change the rules a bit, though, keep in mind.

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What Are the Benefits of B2B Copywriting?

Let us start off by stating that content marketing is used by 70% of B2B marketing specialists, so there is no dilemma behind the efficiency of B2B copywriting.

Business-to-business copywriting can greatly increase your brand awareness, and visibility. It can bring more traffic to your website, and grow your sales.

What is more, it can be accredited to higher levels of customer satisfaction, and retention, and enhance your authority.

Above all, perhaps the greatest benefit of B2B copywriting is that it can convince someone who is unsure about doing business with you, and turn them into a customer.

Now, to take a look at some of the best copywriting tips for better conversions, shall we?

7 B2B Copywriting Tips to Convert

7 B2B Copywriting Tips to Convert

  1. Find Your Audience and Write for Them
  2. Write a Killer Headline
  3. Implement Storytelling
  4. Emphasize the Benefits and Create Value
  5. Utilize the Best SEO Practices
  6. Be Consistent With Your Tone of Voice
  7. Add Social Proof

1. Find Your Audience and Write for Them

Naturally, the first place on our list of B2B copywriting tips goes to…the audience. And not just any audience, you need to find the right audience.

Then, you have to find a way to play to them, and make them love you, like Freddy Mercury at Live Aid:

Now, remember that you will not get there immediately. It takes some trial and error, experiments, analysis, and research in order to establish how to get under the skin of your reader.

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2. Write a Killer Headline

The title is usually the first thing readers see. Even if they skim through the actual content, 79% of test subjects did read the headline.

In the B2B field, the reader is most likely a potential lead, and this is your first chance to grab their attention and engage them. So it would be foolish not to do your best to hook and reel them in.

Here are a few proven methods of crafting an attractive headline:

  • Use numbers and statistics. Data can convince readers to click on your page.
  • Be specific. Vague statements hardly ever inspire users to read your article.
  • Include a question. Your brand can be the answer to that question.
  • Personalize a call to action. Want to have a 202% higher chance of making a conversion? Personalized CTAs are your best chance at achieving that.

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3. Implement Storytelling

Just because your writing is targeting businesses, does not mean you should make it boring. Even corporate managers enjoy a good story, after all.

Furthermore, 50% of B2B buyers are more likely to purchase from a brand they have an emotional attachment with. And what better way to create such an attachment than telling a great story?

Business storytelling is a fine craft. One that can help you increase sales, generate great brand awareness, and create customer loyalty.

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4. Emphasize the Benefits and Create Value

When you are writing about your company products/services, do you put more emphasis on the features or the benefits? Or which of the two do you think is more likely to drive more sales?

Think about it, what would inspire you more when describing an office chair – that it is reclining, and has lumbar support, or that it is comfortable, and supports good posture?

Ideally, both should be included in the mix. However, it is more important to place the benefits upfront, since they provide a direct solution to the pain points of the customer (saving time, money, etc.) and then continue to lay out the features.

This creates much more value to your readers, compared to just listing what something can do. Remember – the best way to communicate the value of your brand is to always place the customer first.

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5. Utilize the Best SEO Practices

It should go without saying: even the best piece of copywriting is doomed to fail, without the indispensable support of search engine optimization.

Do you need any proof to support this fact? Go ahead, write a piece of content (an article, a white paper, e-book, etc.), and see what benefits your business will receive from said content being on page 9 of Google.

That is right. None. So, if for some reason, you are reluctant to optimize your content for search engines, they will take a good look at the situation before you, and then you will realize that the lack of SEO will only hurt your business.

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6. Be Consistent With Your Tone of Voice

Your company’s tone of voice speaks volumes about your brand personality. Your tone might be serious, informal, humorous, professional, conversational, etc.

Whatever it is, though, one thing is for sure: you need to be consistent with it. Once you have set a specific brand tone, your audience will start associating you with that.

Similar to a person, if you, all of a sudden, change the way you speak, that would confuse your friends and family.

For example, if you have always communicated in a serious tone, then you being humorous, out of nowhere, will most likely have people asking questions, like what is going on with you?

Likewise, if your website follows a certain tone, but you have a completely different one on social media, people will start asking what type of message you are trying to convey?

Inconsistency is never good. Simply choose the one that is most appropriate for your business, and stick to it. Always.

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7. Add Social Proof

Social proof is an essential part of copywriting for B2B. It adds credibility by showcasing how your products or services have helped real people. There are many forms of social proof you can use:

  • Testimonials
  • Industry expert endorsements
  • Reviews
  • Case studies
  • Social media shares
  • Stamps of approval from experts
  • Celebrity endorsements

Additionally, it is a good idea to display any awards, recognitions, and/or certificates your business has received. This will add an extra layer of credibility, and encourage potential clients to trust in your business.

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What Are the Types of B2B Copywriting?

What Are the Types of B2B Copywriting

We mentioned some formats of B2B copywriting earlier, but let us explore the complete list.

  1. White Papers. They are detailed reports on a topic that usually aims to solve a huge pain point, and presents your company as a subject-matter expert.
  2. E-books. A content piece that is typically utilized to educate potential buyers.
  3. Technical Writing. Articles that have the purpose of “translating” complex technical topics into a language that is understandable to the common, non-technical audience.
  4. Ghostwriting. Content that is written by one person (freelancer, copywriter, content writer), but is presented as written by a well-known expert or somebody more famous than the original content writer.
  5. Social Media Posts. Content published on social media platforms.
  6. Blog Posts. Posts published on the website of your company, with the main goal of providing value to readers.
  7. Landing Pages. These are pages that are designed to get users to take action or make a decision, be it to make a purchase, subscribe to a newsletter, etc.
  8. UX Writing. Writing with the main interest of how users interact with your website.

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Final Thoughts

B2B copywriting is one of the most essential, if not the most essential, part of any business’ digital marketing endeavors.

In order to truly maximize your effectiveness, though, you need to follow the established standards. Remember: a good copy can make the difference between success and failure.

One last thing. Did you know that DevriX is a WordPress agency that specializes in long-term business partnerships? Yes, we are so good that we’ve received the honor of being ranked among the top 3 B2B companies in Bulgaria by Clutch.

That being said, remember that you can always contact us, if you need assistance with your B2B digital marketing, website development, or business consulting services.