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AI Product Image Generator: What Do eCommerce Stores Gain?

AI Product Image Generator What Do eCommerce Stores Gain

The business landscape, as we know it, is changing rapidly. Whether you like it or not, artificial intelligence has found its way into every aspect of our lives, and the way we do business.

What is more, AI is here to stay, and it will only get better. We all know about AI writing assistants, but did you know that AI image generators are also becoming quite advanced.

So much so that perhaps, in the near future, all eCommerce stores will use AI product photography to replace real ones.

If you’re looking to stay ahead in this AI-driven business world, it’s crucial to partner with a WordPress agency that understands the latest trends and technologies. But it is also important to get to know the basics. So, let us find out more about these generators and check if they can really be used for business.

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How Does an AI Product Image Generator Work?

The way AI generated product images work is quite simple. You open an AI product image generator of your choice, you type in a description of what you want to visualize, you wait a few seconds, and there you have it – your product image is ready to use.

Naturally, there are dozens of different AI image generators out there, so the results will vary depending on the tool you use. Typically, they offer various styles to choose from, as well as sizes, and other neat features.

Of course, the main distinction point is that some of the tools are completely free, while others require a subscription. The paid ones vary in cost – from $0.99 per month to $62 per month, depending on the features.

Needless to say, your company might decide to invest in its own AI image generating system, although that would be costly. More about that later.

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AI Product Photography vs. Real Product Photography

Let us do a quick experiment. Which of these four images do you think is real? We will give you a hint – three of them are AI generated product images.





In case you said that the fourth (last) one was the real product photography, congratulations, you got it right.

However, you can clearly see that artificial intelligence images look totally plausible, and can get the job done for your eCommerce store.

Of course, as we mentioned, AI is still developing, so it is far from perfect. Still, let us review the pros and cons of using AI product photo generators, especially compared to human photographs.

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What Are the Advantages of AI Product Images?

What Are the Advantages of AI Product Images

  1. Consistency
  2. Time and Cost Efficiency
  3. Scalability
  4. Enhanced Product Presentation
  5. Flexibility
  6. Faster Time to Market

1. Consistency

Consistency is key, and AI product photography ensures consistent and standardized image quality across all product shots.

By using automated processes, AI can capture product images with the same lighting, angles, and backgrounds, eliminating variations that may arise from human error or changing conditions.

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2. Time and Cost Efficiency

AI product photography can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with traditional photography.

Using automated processes, AI can capture and process multiple product images in a much shorter time frame compared to the time it would take a human photographer. This efficiency translates into cost savings for businesses.

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3. Scalability

Artificial intelligence product photography enables businesses, and eCommerce stores, in particular, to scale their product image production effortlessly.

Whether you have a small inventory or a vast catalog, AI can quickly generate high-quality images for each product, allowing you to handle large volumes of products fast and efficiently.

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4. Enhanced Product Presentation

AI photo generators can optimize product images by automatically adjusting factors like lighting, contrast, and color balance to highlight the features of the product and enhance its visual appeal.

This optimization can lead to more visually appealing product images, which can ultimately attract more customers and increase sales volumes.

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5. Flexibility

AI product photography provides flexibility in terms of image customization. With AI algorithms, it becomes much easier to change backgrounds, add visual effects, or adapt images to different platforms and formats.

This kind of versatility allows you to create tailored product images for specific marketing channels or target audiences.

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6. Faster Time to Market

By streamlining the product photography process, AI enables businesses to bring products to market more quickly.

Such a rapid image production means faster website updates, shorter time between product launches, and improved overall time to market.

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What Are the Disadvantages of AI Product Images?

What Are the Disadvantages of AI Product Images

  1. Lack of Creativity
  2. Complex Product Capturing
  3. Limited Adaptability
  4. Expensive Initial Investment
  5. Potential for Technical Errors
  6. Lack of Human Interaction

1. Lack of Creativity

AI algorithms are designed to follow predefined rules and patterns, which can limit their ability to think creatively or capture unique artistic perspectives.

Human photographers often bring their artistic vision and creative flair to product photography, whereas artificial intelligence may produce images that lack the artistic touch or originality.

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2. Complex Product Capturing

AI product photography algorithms could struggle with complex or intricate products that require specialized lighting setups or unconventional angles.

Furthermore, it may be challenging for AI to accurately capture the fine details or textures of certain products, resulting in subpar images that do not fully showcase the features of the product.

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3. Limited Adaptability

AI algorithms rely heavily on pre-existing data and patterns. They may struggle when faced with novel or unpredictable scenarios that differ from the training data available to them.

For example, if a product has unique characteristics or is in an unconventional setting, AI may not be able to handle it effectively, leading to inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the images, which on its own, could lead to a negative user experience.

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4. Expensive Initial Investment

Implementing AI product photography systems requires an initial investment in terms of hardware, software, and infrastructure.

Developing or acquiring AI algorithms, setting up specialized equipment, and training staff on the AI systems can be costly, particularly for small businesses or startups with limited budgets.

What is more, using existing AI image generators can also end up being quite expensive, depending on the amount of images you need to produce.

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5. Potential for Technical Errors

Like any other software, AI algorithms can encounter technical errors or bugs that affect the quality of the images produced, making them unusable.

These errors could lead to distorted images, inaccurate color representation, or other issues that require manual intervention or troubleshooting, potentially causing delays or additional costs.

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6. Lack of Human Interaction

AI product photography eliminates the human element from the process. While this can be advantageous in terms of efficiency, it also means that there is no immediate human feedback or decision-making during the image capture process.

This lack of human interaction may result in missed opportunities to adjust or enhance the images based on real-time considerations or artistic judgment.

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Using an AI product image generator can be of great help to eCommerce stores. Still, it is most likely that the final verdict is… that it is too early to fully rely on AI to produce images for businesses.

AI generated product images still have a long way to go, until they become 100% reliable, and are able to compete with real-life photographers.

Despite that, it is worth keeping an eye on the development of artificial intelligence image generators, as their capabilities will only get better with time.

One last thing. Did you know that DevriX is a WordPress agency that builds and maintains scalable eCommerce websites? On top of that, we offer business consulting and marketing services.

So, do not hesitate to contact us if you ever need help with your eCommerce website development.